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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

(Y/n) noticed his expression and tilted her head in confusion.

"What's wrong? Was there something wrong of what I said?"

Kaufman snapped back his attention to her and was surprised of her sudden question to him.

"O-Oh! No, your— (Y/n). I mean, there was nothing wrong of what you said."

"Then why do you look unhappy?"

"I do?"

He shook his head, "Forgive me, I didn't mean to look that way. It's just..."

She stared at him intently, motioning him to continue. "It's just that, it's been the same with Rwipt."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I meant that, Nevivon's resources have been a massive success in my country as well, especially those magic book spells about healing and restoration."

"Oh really?"

He nodded, "Yes, and our mages now have competent when comes to medicine and also..."

(Y/n) was then consumed by her thoughts, she noticed that the more he spoke of his nation the more his complexion glow.

He seemed really gratified for the diplomatic trade they agreed on.

Her eyes drifted then to his lips, how it cooperatively moves each time a word comes out off his mouth.

His soothing, yet slightly gruffy voice dance upon her auditory, his voice sounded so clear to her despite the noise of people chattering within the shop.

Everything about him was pleasing to her.

Since the day they first met, actually. She always had shown interest on him, there was something inside her telling that he will play an important role in their pla—


The said woman broke out from her thoughts and was met with sepia coloured eyes, full of concern.

"Is everything alright? Did I perhaps bore you?"

"Oh— no, not at all!"

(Y/n) shook her head and smiled, "I was just simply entranced by your whole comportment."

Kaufman felt his cheeks warming up as he still wasn't use to such compliments. Especially, when she was the one who would constantly gives them.

"Anyways, it's been clear to both of us that our nations have been striving well these days thanks to our trade."

She then added, "So in order to commemorate this successful diplomatic trade, I hereby declare we feast to a nearby Rwiptian restaurant."

"Oh? A Rwiptian restaurant...?"

"Hmm, yup! I heard there's a new eating establishment nearby the capital and they only serve famous Rwiptian dishes, so I wanted to check it out with you."

"With me...?"

"Uh-huh! Besides, I never tried any Rwiptian cuisines and I would like for you to introduce me to some."

It was true, she never really tried any foreign dish ever since she had finally formed a bond with Rwipt.

She was there during that...time and wasn't really served with any Rwiptian dishes. She could tell that the Former, executed, Prince served her, her own Empire's delicacies.

And she was very offended by it, it was fortunate that she was the one who ended the life of such an offender.

The albino smiled, there was a vague dance of red hue upon his cheeks.

"It would be an honour, (Y/n)."

Both soon then left and went towards the said famous foreign restaurant, chatting and laughing all the way.

With his chest, swirling in an all too familiar yet strange feeling dancing inside. And this time, Kaufman didn't even paid a single mind to it.

He already knew the name of what he was feeling.

After being introduced with different Rwiptian delicacies, they then left the restaurant with a five star rating and went back to Imperial Palace.

'I'm so tired.'

Navier flopped down on to her bed, feeling exhausted from the tea party and the search for a lady-in-waiting.

It turns out, her own efforts of finding a lady-in-waiting for his mistress was proven futile.

The women who turned up for her tea party were all eager to see her, but the moment she mentioned the word 'mistress' everyone's behaviour changed.

"Um...do you mean Lady Rashta? To be honest, she's all anyone's been talking about lately. Her and her status as a runaway slave."

"I'd find it difficult enough to agree to become a commoner's lady-in-waiting, let alone a runaway slave..."

"I'd die of embarrassment if I had to become a runaway slave's lady-in-waiting."

The blonde sighed, letting the exhaustion crawl over her. "Shall I prepare a bath for you so you can relax?" Countess Eliza asked.

"Or would you prefer going on a walk? Perhaps we can meet the bird we last saw tim— Oh?"

Surprised, Laura paused her words midway from mentioning their birdie friend and speak of the devil, she saw a large (f/c) bird peeking from the balcony.

"It's really come back."

Her words earned the blonde Empress' attention.


"The bird! It's really here!"

"The bird?"

Navier rose up from her bed and immediately approached the large beautiful creature.

"It must be here to see you, your majesty! It even has a letter tied to its leg!"

"Oh my..."

She quickly untied the letter from the bird, and it reads:

"If I were what you had assumed, an 'inarticulate drunk master', then I'd like to think I'm a bit more intelligent than a bird, and also I don't drink."

The blonde chuckled at what she had read, her cheeks were pink as she smiled at the letter in her hands.

"Laura, get me a pen and paper, will you?"

Her lady-in-waiting did what she was told and Navier then excitedly scribbled her reply.

"It's fun for you too, isn't it, your majesty?"

Her ladies-in-waiting giggled gushing about who could the bird's owner be.

"Hmm...a bit...?"

Once she was done, she tied it on to the bird's leg, "Make sure not to lose your way this time, too." She added a kiss upon its head—


Earning a flustered sound from it.

She lifted the creature up and spreading its wings a it flutters off into the sky.

"Come visit again."

Will she receive another letter? She certainly hope she would. And that was when there was a knock upon her bedroom door.




"Your majesty, the Emperor is here."

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