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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"May her majesty bless our Kingdom with her Imperial presence!"


That's what they are.

(Y/n) and her party were able to successfully passed the Kingdom's borders. Although they were almost caught.

When one of the guards decided to check all of their things and, thankfully, being born with a quick witted mind and a very intimidating features.

They all managed to passed by and without delay, they all arrived and their plan was obviously going smoothly.

Kaufman and his men certainly let out a huge sigh of relief, they sincerely thought they be caught and be killed by now,

But as expected from a sovereign with a horrifying history of ancestry.

"We're here."

Kaufman and his liegemen were then escorted out of the horse-drawn wagon and they approached her.

"Here, this is the map to where the Imote and Imona are located."

Kaufman couldn't be any more happy and thrilled, but how did she—

"I have my ways."

(Y/n) noticed his questioning look and merely gave him a shush sign and a wink. To which the Duke decided to not question it further.

After all, time was of the essence.

The Duke thanked her and was then told of the direction of where they should be heading.

"Follow this path and the rest is on the map, dawdle no longer as their life is on the line."

He couldn't agree more, hastily, they marched towards the path with a party of 7, including the albino.

Kaufman and his 3 liegemen along with her majesty's 3 very skilled knights, all hurriedly went on onto their rescue mission.

She watched them as they quickly vanished from her sights, "Let's go."

She tugged Orivia's reins and soon all of them were marching towards the Rwipt palace.

"Greetings to her majesty, the Empress!"

"Glory to Nevivon, glory to Rwipt!"

"May both nations unite together as one!"

Once they had arrived, (Y/n) was greeted by the loud cheers of Rwipt's people, the sound of their Rwiptian cheers bellowed the streets.

And by people, mainly it's armed forces. As her (e/c) eyes had observed, the locals' were all not so joyous.

All of them looked fearful and some even forced themselves to pretend, afraid of what the Kingdom's armed forces might do to them.

The Empress smirked, it was all according to plan.

"Your majesty,"

"Don't they all look cheerful today?"

Sir Lémieux already knew what she was thinking about and he nodded, "Cheerful, they are."

She chuckled, "Well, we better not disappoint them then."

(Y/n) giggled and hopped off her horse, she gently patted her Friesian and it let out a soft snort.

"See you in a while, my beautiful Orivia."

She could see the reluctance of letting go in its eyes, as their trusted companions were slowly being dragged somewhere by a Rwipt servant.

"Your majesty."

The General called out, gesturing his arm out for her to take.

She nodded and acted accordingly, acting was of an important role right now. They needed to pretend in order to go through with this.

"Your imperial sovereign! Welcome!"

As the large doors of the palace was opened in her honour, a boisterous voice of a man, loudly greeted her.

It was the Prince.

A large overweight man stood before her, greeting her with wide open arms and an ear-to-ear grin.

She certainly wasn't informed of this— person's appearance.

To say, she was surprised the very least.

"Oh, Empress! You finally came!"

The Prince approached her and enveloped her in a tight embrace, leaving her off guard, she almost let out a small yelp.

Oh, Good lord.

He reeked of alcohol and grease.

The sovereign almost wanted to throw up and roughly shoved him away.

The General took noticed of her discomfort and was about to pry the royal man off of her— when she stopped him.

Her eyes was telling him everything.

Leave it be, no matter what she was handling right now, he doesn't have the right to interfere, this acting of hers was only a part of making things seemed realistic.

"I am honoured to have been greeted by his highness, personally."

Giving him a small pat on the back, the Prince released her off his tight hold and smiled, all the more.

God, he smelled unpleasant. She wouldn't be surprised if she heard that he had bathe himself in wine and grease.

"But of course, you have helped me through this, it the least I could do!"

Just greeting her was enough, that hug was highly unnecessary.

"Oh, I see."

And to his surprise, she was young, younger what they had all stated. He smirked to himself, she'd make a fine bride.

And she was powerful too, can't say he wouldn't let that opportunity go, making him all the more hungry for her.

"Come, come. I'll have a servant show her majesty's ladies-in-waiting and the Empress their rooms—"

"Oh! There is no need."


She loathed this.

"I didn't bring my ladies-in-waiting with me, as I did not want them to tire from the journey."

Oh my, how humble she was.

But he found it very strange, she was the Empress, surely she would her ladies in order to prep her up.

But as far as he had known, she came her with an army of men and few servants— all who were males.

This made him rose a brow, was she—

"Ah, I see."

The Prince nodded and said, "Very well, I shall have a servant show your men to their respective rooms and I shall have my trusted servant to show her majesty her room."

(Y/n) faked a smile and gave a courteous bow at him. That action made him smirk of how it would be nice to be bowed at by a powerful monarch than he.

She very much loathed this.




"Greetings, your majesty."

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