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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Navier was left alone yet again, she took a glass of champagne from a passing servant.

Although the champagne tasted as if it had only little alcohol, almost like water. But took another sip nonetheless.

Through the glass, she caught a glimpse of a distorted figure of someone.

Looking at it closely, it was the (h/c)-nette. She turned to meet her gaze and it seemed that (Y/n) was staring at her too.

The blonde lowered her glass but (Y/n) lifted hers, making a toasting gesture to her before taking a sip.

Although she grimaced after she took sip, gagging at its taste.

But still she gave out a small smile at her and slowly tipped her glass before her attention was caught by a foreign nobleman.

Navier chuckled at the (h/c)-nette's antics before shaking her head and walking away.

Then she heard something—

"Even the most aloof empress cannot help but look at that face."

"Regardless of how holier-than-thou she is, I supposed she had no choice but to do so to curry favour with the Emperor."

She stopped in her tracks, feeling her heart thumped loudly in her chest.

She heard laughter as she turned see the sources of the voices, a group of people were holding on to their stomachs as they howled in laughter.

The seats by the wall were occupied with many foreigners and natives. She saw someone whispered to the other and laughter erupted from that spot again.


When a noblewoman caught her gaze, she quickly nudged someone and silence filled their area.

That gesture was enough to answer her uncertainty.

They were certainly talking about her.

"Pardon me...your majesty."

A lady had been lingering nearby, as if she had been waiting to ask her a question.

"Did you really send a gift to that woman...?"


She quickly whipped her head towards the woman who had asked her a question.

The said woman then felt flustered and apologized, "Oh. I-I'm sorry. Well it's just that that woman said you did."

"The foreign guests don’t know the rumors about 'that woman'. What they say is that she is the first concubine that the Emperor has accepted, and you had given her all kinds of gifts."


She knew the first part all too well but the mention of her suddenly giving gifts to that concubine?

"Then a foreigner asked me…"

She seemed a bit hesitant to continue but Navier forced a smile and encouraged her to.

"A foreigner asked 'that woman' if she was alright with being in a love triangle involved with your majesty, and she said yes. She said that both the Emperor and Empress loved her greatly. 'That woman' said that immediately after she became a concubine, the Empress even sent her all kinds of precious gifts to welcome her…"

Her words came crashing down to her. She felt dizzy and her knees suddenly went weak.

Her mind then noted that the people were laughing at her for sending gifts to her husband’s lover to gain his attention.

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now