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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

A figure suddenly came out of the main palace's doors and she began walking down the stairs.

Her short cape flowed elegantly as the wind brushed passed against her.

The concubine and the Emperor stared at up— and the latter blushed at the sight. Once the (h/c)-nette made it down, she smiled at the him and greeted.

"Hello, Sovi."

She didn't greet the silver-nette, she has no reason to and she didn't want to.

"Empress (Y/n)."

Sovieshu got off the carriage and Rashta timidly hid behind him. He rose a brow at her behaviour and then remembered what he told her.

He softly smiled at her before shifting his gaze on to the foreign woman.

"What brings you here, your majesty? Are you here to see me off?"

He teased and (Y/n) playfully rolled her eyes at his words, "Would you like it if I did?" She shot back her another teasing remark, and it earned her a blush from him.

"A-Ah— W-Well..."

He scratched his head and changed the subject. It was then he noticed that she was holding a pale white box with golden linings adorning it.

'That must be her present.'

She chuckled at his flustered state and waved off a hand, "I'm actually here to ride with you. I figured I'd be bored easily when I'm by myself."

"You wish to ride with me?"

"If you don't mind."

Rashta stared back and forth between them, what did she mean by riding with him?

"Oh, well, of course!"

He said— a bit loudly. He voice almost startled the woman behind him. He quickly cleared his throat and calmed himself down a bit.

"I-I mean, I don't mind at all."

The (h/c)-nette giggled at his idiotic behaviour and grinned at him— although unbeknownst to them, it was smirk directed to the albino.

"Thank you. That saves me the trouble of coming here."

He took a step forward and took a hold of her hand, as he chivalrously escorted her to the carriage.

"My~ Such a gentleman you are~"

"Only for a lovely lady such as yourself."

Watching this, Rashta couldn't help but feel jealous at the sight. What did he mean by 'lovely lady such as (Y/n)'?

And why is he leading her inside the carriage?!

Was she going to the Imperial Villa too? Was she allowed to go with him? Did Empress Navier invited her—?

—The pale white box the (h/c) haired woman was holding answer that question.

How come Rashta wasn't invited? She certainly was now a part of the Eastern Imperial family and (Y/n) wasn't, so why?

Many questions leading to no answer swirled inside her mind.

As she watched in jealousy at the two Imperial monarchs in front her that were throwing 'playful' flirtatious words at each other.

Why was he acting like that with her anyway? Has he forgotten that she was right there?

(Y/n), however, had a different thought. It was amusing to her that her mere presence alone can make him forget about his mistress just like that.

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