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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"The expenses? What for?"

"Don't you know how expensive it is to feed, clothe and raise a child?"

He sipped on his tea nonchalantly, "It's only right you pay for all of that."


Rashta felt her jaw and but she quickly shut her mouth and glared at him. His imposing height of manner sparked more anger within her.

But... lashing out verbally at him would be deemed futile. And she has yet to find out if the baby was truly hers or not.

"...How much do you need?"

She cleaned her fist as she felt slightly ashamed submitting to his request.

"Well, the cost of living and food has gone down…let’s see. Maybe hundred kruts or so will do."


"Jewellery is an acceptable payment if you don’t have money."

She then stood up and went to her jewellery box, she took out three unattractive and small rings out from it and gave it to the Viscount.


She was reluctant to do so as she thought it was a waste, but it was better than having her reputation be tarnished over by a baby that— possibly— couldn't be hers.

"Ooh, they are quite beautiful."

Viscount Roteschu smiled and let out a cackle of content as he inspected one of the rings.


As she watched him, she thought: 'I should find out more about that child before he asks for bigger demands.'

If that baby turned out to be not hers then...

The concubine gripped her skirt tightly, seething at the thought that she might go mad if the Viscount was merely fooling around with her.

"Oh, and Rashta. Can I give you a piece of advice?"


The man placed the rings inside his breast pocket, patting it as he felt satisfied before getting up from his seat and turning to face her.

He gave her a mocking smile as he spoke, "Yesterday, the Emperor and Empress went to the villa, didn’t they? I also heard they brought a close friend with them too."


"They must be having a good time with only the two of them there. Their 'friend' might even help the Empress to try and change the Emperor's feelings."

"What are you saying?!"

She exclaimed harshly at him but the Viscount remained unfazed by her outburst.

"I'm sure you of all people know exactly what I mean."

He gave her a chortle, grabbing his walking cane before slowly walking towards the exit.

"Poor little Rashta with no one to help her. If the Emperor gets tired of you, you will be abandoned. So think about accepting my help. I expect you to be a little more cooperative next time."

He left the room, echoing his last laugh and he shut the door behind.

Furious, Rashta grabbed her tea cup and she threw it upon the door that the Viscount had shut a moment ago.


(Y/n) let out a huff of breath as she exited the Emperor's room. She groaned, feeling her neck and back be so sore after nursing that sick friend of hers.

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now