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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"Sir McKenna informed me that they are doing well with their work and that they were successful to not arise any suspicion."

(Y/n) brushed her long (h/c) hair as she listened attentively to every word he said.

"And our informant has been keeping a close eye on what you've requested."

"Good, good."

Piere groaned, "Are you sure that was necessary?"

"No, but I want her to do it anyway."

"Things are going as planned, but what if she finds out and get in our way?"

She shook her head, placing the hair brush down once she was done using it, "She won't."

Her secretary took liberty to grab a hair ornament, he eyed it closely before placing it neatly on her hair.

"How would you know that?"

They both stared at their reflection in the mirror. And a smirk— disguised as a small smile appeared on her lips.

"I'll make sure of it."

"Your majesty."

A knock and a voice of a servant called out from behind the door and they continued.

"Grand Duke Kaufman is here to escort you to the banquet."

(Y/n) smiled and removed herself from her seat, she dusted off the invisible dust from her dress before winking at her cousin.

"Looks like my date's here."

Navier walked through the hallways and she was deep in thought. Her mind drifted towards the names and faces of their guests.

She had to familiarise with them and their culture if she didn't want to accidentally offend them in some way.

The most noteworthy guests were Prince Heinley, Empress (Y/n) and Grand Duke Kaufman.

Prince Heinley and Empress (Y/n) were especially the prominent figures.

—Well, the Western Prince is always at the center of attention with so many rumours swirling about him.

But she didn't know about the Grand Duke though...

(Y/n) and him were the only guests that came from a different continent. But she was already familiar with the (h/c)-nette.

All that's known of the albino was that he's the Grand Duke of Rwipt, a Desert nation. And that he was an exchange student who graduated at the top of his class from the Academy of Magic.

The blonde furrowed her eyebrows, this was troubling to her. Little was known about the court etiquette of Rwipt.

And one of the few books that wrote about Rwipt was 'The Travelogue', it was written after an adventurer’s visit to the desert country.

She had heard that Grand Duke Kaufman had mocked the book and said it was not in the least bit accurate.

She shook her head, but then she remembered that (Y/n) had been to Rwipt, due to her being involved in a war— Navier was still concerned for her about that— and that maybe she knew about the court etiquette of the Desert Kingdom.

Maybe she'll ask her about it later.


Her footsteps paused and she was broken out of her thoughts by a sudden sound of someone's voice.


"Oops. I mean, your majesty. I was just so happy to see you, hehe..."

The concubine quickly covered her mouth in surprise, as she apologized at what she blurted.

She was the first person to welcome her when she entered the dining room.

The Eastern Empress looked at her, puzzled. Rashta? Was she a part of the twenty special guests for tomorrow's banquet?

No— she had checked the list a while ago.

Perhaps Sovieshu let her tag along?

She then went passed her, and Rashta pouted and sulked a bit when the blonde didn't pay her any attention.

Moments later, the Emperor, Prince Heinley and Princess Circe entered the dining room.

The ravennette was immediately welcomed by his lover and Navier looked away. Heinley said a small 'hello' towards her and she nodded her head back in greeting him.


That was the first time he had ever acknowledge her.

They then went and sat to their respective seats and they awaited for the others to arrive.

A servant poured some water on to her glass and the Princess from the Southern Empire leaned closely to her ear.

"I thought it was a joke until a while ago."

Navier turned to look at her and asked, "What was?"

The Princess' eyes drifted on to the Western Prince's form.

"Well, it seems that the rumour about the Prince Heinley being a casanova is true. He acts so sweetly to Lady Rashta in front of his majesty, he was as sweet as cream to her."


The blonde sputtered the water she was drinking and let out a cough. Princess Circe looked at her in amusement and the Empress quickly covered her mouth with a handkerchief.

Her emerald coloured eyes took a glance at the three figures in front of her, it was then she noticed that the atmosphere was oddly tense.

She also noticed that Prince Heinley was distant and mysterious as always, Sovieshu seemed on edge than usual and he would oftentimes dart his eyes at Heinley and Rashta.

And Rashta…she seemed to be enjoying the situation. Her cheeks were more red than usual at the attention of both the Emperor and the Prince were giving her.

By now, the guests invited for the banquet slowly arrived and they too, could feel the strange atmosphere.

'(Y/n) and Grand Duke Kaufman have yet to arrive—'

As if on cue, the Imperial woman and Grand Duke she had waiting for has finally arrived and she quickly get up to welcome.


As she was about to greet them, a loud booming voice erupted— startling everyone in the dining room.

"You're being very disrespectful, Prince Heinley!"

Sovieshu harshly slammed his glass of wine on to the table and yelled inappropriate at the blond.

A giggle escaped from her cherry red lips and her hand that was on the male albino's arm gripped him slightly, before stating.

"My, my~"




"Did we came here to eat dinner or did we came here to see a fight?"

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now