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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜


A very high pitched feminine voice echoed throughout the place, earning the attention of both Laura and the Duke.

A petite figure rushed to them— more like to the Duke— her wavy silver hair bounced gracefully at every step she took.

Once she reached him, she paused to take a breather and then she let out the biggest smile.


The said man was a bit startled at her sudden appearance, but Laura, however, scrunched up her brows in disgust.

"What are you doing here?" Laura spat.

Rashta's smile faltered a bit, but then returned as she clung on to the Duke's sleeve.

"I came see to his grace!"

"What are you doing here?" She retorted.

The lady-in-waiting glared at the concubine and clung on to the Duke's other sleeve.

"I came to see Duke Caldwell, as well."

Poor Piere was the rope of this little tug of war, he looked between the two of them. He sighed— but he couldn't help but grimaced internally at a particular woman.

He could feel the awkward tension emitting from how deadly Laura's glare was and how oblivious Rashta was at her sight.

"I thought concubines were supposed to be with his majesty, grovelling down at his feet while begging for his attention."

The ginger haired woman was harsh with words and she did it deliberately, hoping for the silver-nette to get her message that whores weren't supposed to wander around unsupervised.

She noticed that she didn't have any servants with her too.

The concubine heard what she said and her face turned into a saddened look, she slightly gripped on to his sleeve and her eyes turned glossy.

"You're so mean..."

The ginger haired lady-in-waiting flinched back in surprise. This woman was ready to cry in front of a foreign Duke?

How shameless of her!

"I...I just wanted to meet with his grace and invite him for some tea..."

Her voice was low but it was enough for them to hear her. She began to pitifully sob, the soft sounds of sobbing filled the place.

"Lady Rashta, don't cry."

Piere gently removed himself from Laura's hold, and the latter was surprised that she clinging on to him in the first place.

He wiped her tears as she looked at him with her doe like eyes. Rashta didn't looked like she would ceased her sobbing so Piere mentally groaned.

"I accept your invitation, my lady."


Shocked, the Eastern Empress' lady-in-waiting stared at him with wide eyes. She couldn't believe it.

'Did he fell for her tricks?!' She yelled inside her head as she watched how the silver-nette slowly died down her sobs.


The Duke nodded and patted her head gently, he couldn't believe he was doing these things to her either.

Duke Caldwell nodded his head— which earned him a happily grin from the Emperor's lover.

She squealed inside, she finally get to spend time with her favourite Duke!

She felt like she was utter bliss as he returned her smile— not noticing the disgust hidden in it.

He then turned to face Laura, "We shall take our leave now, Lady Laura."

He didn't give her a chance to reply as tge concubine began dragging him away. Rashta secretly looked behind them and shot her a smirk.

Laura gritted her teeth, her hands were clenching the sides of her skirt.

'That woman really is a skank.'

After Sovieshu parted ways with her, Navier found herself wandering around the garden. Her mind was full of thoughts about what might occur during her birthday.

It was possible that he'll probably tag Rashta along with them.

If Rashta had begged the Emperor to attend the special banquet for only twenty guests, then the blonde wouldn't doubt that she'll let Sovieshu take her to the Imperial Villa without kicking up a fuss.

'She'll definitely want to join us.'

But then, if he allows her to come with them... knowing that (Y/n) would be there...

That was going to be a problem. The Eastern Empress sighed, as she approached a fountain.

Her emerald coloured eyes saw a figure sitting at the fountain and was playing with the water.


"My Queen!"

The (h/c)-nette beamed seeing her and watched the blonde strode towards her.

"You haven't gone in back yet?"

She noticed that (Y/n)'s hand was soaked, so she offered her, her handkerchief.

"I was for you because I felt you would come back for me, your majesty." The Nevivon Empress happily accepted her handkerchief, "After all, the best thing to do when you're lost is to stay in the same spot."

Navier stared at her, puzzled. "So you don't know how to get back?"

She laughed at her confusion and waved her hand dismissively, "Well not exactly. I didn't mean it so literally."

The (h/c) haired Empress began rubbing her hand using Navier's hanky. After she was done, she placed the handkerchief inside her dress' pocket.

"My handkerchief..."

"Don't worry. I'll give it back to you after I wash it."

Navier was about to say that it was alright, (Y/n) spoke again, before she could, "That way, we'll have an excuse to meet again."

The Eastern Empress stifled a laugh, "You don't have to make excuses to see me, (N/n)."

She shook her head in disbelief, "Anyway, about my birthday... Would you like to join us at the Imperial Villa, your majesty? Sovieshu said that I could invite anyone."

"Oh— of course! I wouldn't want you to celebrate it alone."

"Thank you, your majesty."

The Nevivonnian woman smiled, "Anything for you."

The blonde haired Empress returned her smile but then recalled the thought that Sovieshu might bring Rashta with them.

With sharp eyes, the (h/c)-nette noticed her change of mood, "Is something wrong, Navi?"


"Did Sovieshu insulted you again? I'll talk to him for you." She unconsciously clenched her fist and gave her a sympathetic gaze.

Her blonde friend shook her head and smiled softly, "I appreciate it, your majesty. But it's nothing to worry about."

Her reassuring smile wasn't convincing the foreign Empress a single bit, but she decided to play along with it.

"If you say so. But if I hear him say mean words to you again, I'm going to slap him."

Navier knew (Y/n) wouldn't do that and thought she was merely joking but the latter truly mean her words.

She giggled and played along with her 'jest'.




"Please do."

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