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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"So he didn't inform any of my officials of his arrival because he wanted to surprise me with his sudden visit."

(Y/n) concluded after reading the letter thoroughly. She scoffed playfully and let out a sigh.

"He also states that he was disappointed when he found out that I'm currently staying at his sister's empire."

A giggle then emitted out from her, "Well, I should write him a letter back. We both know Kosair can tend to become a bit upset when I don't write him a reply."

She leaned back on her seat and gently placed the letter on to the table.

"However, I will do so once I'm done discussing something with you."

"What is it, your majesty?"

"Regarding the meeting I have with Kaufman and his liegemen."

"What about it?"

Piere deadpanned, "Wait— don't tell me— are you thinking about trying to skip it?"

"—! What? No. Of course, not."

She pouted, "Even if I did wished to skip it, I'm pretty sure that favourite Duke of mine will be all sad if I did. And his sadness does not give me the pleasure of savouring it like how it does with Sovieshu."

"So you're saying, you aren't skipping this meeting because you don't want to make his grace, Grand Duke Kaufman, sad?"

"In summary, yes."

'Kaufman didn't look all too happy when I answered his question at the garden.' And it was that reason why she shouldn't add more salt to his wounds.

"Then what is it do you want to do with the Grand Duke's meeting?"

"I wish to have it sooner."

She smiled at him, "The sooner I get to attend this meeting the better. Also I have to read the needed requirements for this, I wish to finish the meeting before the third day. I want to end it as soon as possible."

Piere rose a brow at her statement, "Ho~? How curious, usually you would complain on having to attend a meeting and would beg me to have it rescheduled or even make me attend it on your behalf."

Her smile dropped, her face showed an unamused expression, "Are you teasing me?"

"I'm just surprise you had a change of heart."

"You're definitely teasing me."

"Hm, still, I am genuinely surprise on your sudden change. Is there a particular reason as to why you're doing this?"

The room's atmosphere was warm. The birds softly sang their songs outside, a few noblemen walked pass by their room— idly chatting away to their hearts content.

The wind blew through the curtains, lightly making it move with it. A few strands of their tresses flew in the air, dancing without a single care with the wind.

"If I told you why, you would certainly be not amused."

Her secretary sighed, "Is that so? Why am I not surprised..."

He waved his hand, "But I'm all ears nonetheless." He patiently sat there, awaiting for his Empress to explain herself.

Nervously, she started, "Well, do you recall the invitation I received from Duchess Maya?"

"I recall seeing her giving you a letter but I didn't know it was an invitation. To whom was it from?"

"It was from Duchess Tuania."

"Oh? One of Empress Navier's acquaintances?"

The sangria haired man rose a brow, he crossed his legs and leaned a bit towards the woman.

"Yes, and in her letter states that an invitation to a tea party at the Crystal House."


"Next week."

That's when Piere began connecting the dots. "I see. So in summary, you wish to speed things up in order to attend Duchess Tuania's tea party."


"Can you though? You still have to attend one of Prince Heinley's meetings."

The (h/c)-nette sat up straight and pointed a finger at her cousin, "Then you attend it for me."

"Me? But this meeting requires you in it."

She pouted and stared at the floor. She knew her presence was a must, but that was only because— "Heinley likes it when I'm around while his discussion takes place."

"So couldn't you just go in my place? Besides, this is a Duchess' invitation. If I were to decline her invitation, I would embarrass her."

"You are an Empress of a very big Empire, everyone will surely expect you to be too busy to attend." Piere stated.

"Everyone will also be expecting me. Knowing the Duchess, she must've told the other nobles about me possibly attending to join them." She retorted.

The Nevivon man groaned, "Is it really because you want to attend for the Duchess' sake, or is it because Empress Navier is attending too?"


'Am I really that easy to read for him?' The foreign Empress deadpanned at the realization.

Well, obviously.

The guy has always been stuck to her like glue. And before meeting the imperial children of the Eastern Empire and that bastard— her cousin of second degree was her only friend.

(Y/n)'s eyes slowly met his and she answered, "Both. I do not wish to embarrass the Duchess and I wish to spend more time with Navier."

Piere stared at her intently, wanting to fully see if she was lying or not. Then, he let out a breath.

"Fine. I shall permit you to go."

Joy washed all over her like a tidal wave, as she looked at him with bright gleaming.



He suddenly cut her off. "If I ever hear you making a scene during the party, I will not hesitate to dump all of your paperwork and make you work for two whole months."

He glared, "Am I understood?"

"Sir, yes, sir!"

She excitedly stood up and saluted at him, she was very sure that she'll be able to spend time with Navier without any inconvenience.

"What shall we do with Ergi then?"

Just a mention of his name made her bright cheerful mood made a 180 degree turn on her personality.

"He is not important right now— thus, he is not worthy of any discussion. I don't care what he's doing right now, but rest assured. I will certainly do something on that idiotic move he and his Empire pulled."

She scorned, "No way I'm letting them go unpunished."

Her cousin had a nonchalant expression on his face, "I see. Calm your temper now, you still have a letter to write to Lord Kosair and after that, you shall be getting ready for the upcoming tea party."

His words slightly made her cool down.

He sighed and stood up from his seat, calmly approaching his Empress. He placed a hand on her and gently patted her head.

"Come now." He says in a soft tone.




"If we make haste, we'll be able to run into her majesty, Empress Navier, along the way."

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