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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"A lovely flower, isn't it?"

Kaufman spoke as he approached the crouching woman in front of him.

(Y/n) hummed in response, gently touching the golden flower with her fingertips— feeling it soft texture grazing her hand.

"It is."

She smiled softly and her eyes began to scanned the other flowers around the garden.

"All the flowers here are lovely, actually."

"Is it because she's the one responsible for all of it being lovely?"


Oh, she knows that tone. She looked up at him and noticed him getting baffled again.

That was what she had observed from him, how the male albino would easily be so baffled whenever his words slip out off his mouth unconsciously.

Her eyes stared at him, deeming unreadable to him. He awkwardly looked away but then he suddenly felt a tug at the bottom of his trousers.

"Kaufman, Kaufman."

He glance back down and saw the (h/c)-nette tugging his trousers gently while waving her hand in an up and down motion.

Gesturing him to crouch down to her level.

Confused, he scanned his eyes around— making sure no one was there to see them in such an unmannerly state.

Slowly, he did what she motioned him for.

"What is it, your majesty?" He asked, his eyes subtly avoided hers.

"What do you think?"

"On what exactly?"

Seeing how he was avoiding her gaze, she suddenly went closer to him and gently raising his chin to meet her clear (e/c) eyes.


Surprised, the Rwiptian man slightly jumped at the sudden movement and his blush was clearly evident on his cheeks.

"Y-Your majesty...?"

He stuttered, not knowing what to do— he couldn't avert his gaze because of the grip she had on his chin.

It was silent for a moment, (Y/n)'s eyes was staring directly at his and he would bet that she could hear the fast beating of his heart.

"What do you think, Kaufman?" She started, being the first one to break the awkward silence.

"Do you think Navier's the one responsible for all the flowers' beauty?"


He blinked, his brain was still comprehending what she was asking— still a bit flustered at how close their faces were.


A chuckle came out of her lips and it made Kaufman all the more confused and embarrassed.

"You know, it is amusing to see a man go all baffled and flushed when he is usually well reserved and aloof."

She teased and she could see a small pout form on his lips.

"Could you blame me? I'm..." He paused, his temporary silence made (Y/n) noticed he was still conscious of how close they are.

"I'm not used to have someone so close to me— especially in a...crouching a garden of all places..."

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now