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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

As far as she knew, the Desert Kingdom, also know as the Kingdom of Rwipt, had been currently at war.

The King's brother, raised up an army to try and take the throne for himself— such a thought made her hum in relief.

Knowing that she was the only child and that her cousin didn't try to cause a warfare for the throne.

It's basically a family feud, but someone added bloodshed on to the category.

The walk to the Great hall was quiet, Piere already went ahead of her and decided to interrogate them head on.

Along with him, were both the the Captain and General of their military.

"Announcing her imperial serenity, the Empress of Nevivon Empire!"

Cue, the large, golden trimmed double doors opened at her sudden announced arrival. Everyone in the room immediately turn to gaze her.

"Greetings to her majesty! Glory to the Nevivon Empire! May the Gods grace us with the Sun's power and the Moon's wisdom!"

All her chevaliers and liegemen loudly greeted, although it wasn't unusual for them to do so, however it was a bit loud than their usual tone of voice.

And (Y/n) could fully understand why. There were foreigners in their country.

As she strode towards them, her posture was poise and her face was calm and collected, as what he had expected from every royalty he met.

When she approached them, the man placed his right fist on the left side of his chest and bowed, a Nevivonnian sign of greeting.

"It is an honour to finally meet you, your imperial serenity."

He expected her to merely nod at him and continue on, but what he didn't expect was—

"Yah aap se bhee milane ke lie ek sammaan hai, Graind Dyook Kophamain."

For her to smile and bowed her head, ever-so-slightly, with her hands together in prayer at him.

And that's when he had realised, that her outfit and overall look, was of saffron colour. A colour that represents their Kingdom.

Not only he was shocked, he was impressed and speechless. Not many can speak his mother tongue—

Let's just say, her first impression of him was one to be remembered.

He nodded, "It would seem, her majesty has already heard of me."

She gave him a smile again, "There are rumours of you, yes, but I'd rather like to know you more in person."

Fortunately, her years of reading multiple books had given her a vast knowledge of the world around her.

And this man's nation was no exception. But her choice of clothing was purely coincidental.

The man in front of her was the Prince of the Desert Kingdom, Grand Duke Kaufman from the Kingdom of Rwipt.

He had dark chocolate skin, and sparkling sepia eyes. Yet, what was eye catching of him was his snow white coloured hair.

He had ravishing features, one would say.

He also was educated in the Eastern Empire's most prestigious magic academy, and he ranked top at his school.

"Let's proceed to the main office, shall we?"

They agreed, and went on to proceed as said. With (Y/n) leading the way and with Piere closely following her behind.

"They awaited for you, they refused my attempts to gain information from them."

He whispered in her ear, good thing the foreign men were far behind them, otherwise he would've been heard.

She stared at him and nodded, continuing their walk to her main office.

Once there, Kaufman and his men were then seated and were offered tea and snacks, that (Y/n) had prepared for them, beforehand.

"I know you all have come from quite a long journey and must have been exhausted from all that traveling,"

She said, as she seated herself in front of them, Piere, Sir Lémieux, and the General were standing behind her.

"So I had prepared you all some snacks and some tea. There are all, of course, Nevivon's famous delicacies."

She smiled, Kaufman stared at the food in front of them, and it did looked appetising. He could recognize some of it as he too had read all about her nation.

He nodded and mouthed a small 'thank you' at the butler, who poured his tea.

"I thank you, your majesty."

(Y/n) merely hummed and sipped the tea of her own, "Please, help yourselves."

They nodded and thanked her, they were indeed all exhausted from their trip. It took them 3 months to arrive at Nevivon and a small break sounded nice.

But, the Grand Duke hadn't forgotten the main reason he was sent here.

"Your majesty,"

He started, "Do you perhaps know why we're here?"

(Y/n) stared at him, thinking quietly, "I can make a few guesses, but not entirely."

To which he replied, "We are here because we had seek for your aid."

Called it.

"Ah, is that so."

Kaufman placed his tea down and stared at her in the eyes, "Will you help us?"

A blunt and straightforward character, isn't he?

He might not sound like it, but (Y/n) could hear the faint tone of desperation in his voice.

It would have seemed, their side of the family was not strong enough to put their King's brother in his place.

"And what will I gain from this?"

Kaufman predicted this, so, he motioned one of his men and he gave her a scroll of parchment.

She unrolled it and read its contents, Piere, behind her, did the same.

Her (e/c) eyes trailed each word that was written. The men in front her were all on edge as to what her decision might be.

Once both Piere and her were done reading, she gave it back to his men and—




"I will not accept."

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