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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

She noticed his expression, she too felt saddened at the scene that had unfold.

But with a small, genuine smile, she placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a small squeeze.

"Your highness..."

In return, Sovieshu smiled back at her a sad smile and touched her hand that was on his shoulder.

"I'm alright."

He reassured, giving back a small squeeze at her attempt to comfort him.

"Let's go."

Taking one last glance at his father's dead body, he frowned and took the blonde's hand and he both led them out of the room.

Leaving the royal physician and their servants with the Emperor's body.

Once they were out and away from the room, all men and women of status immediately approached them.

Seeing the looks on their faces, they mirrored it and gave the next young Emperor their sincerest condolences.

He merely nodded at them and faked a genuine smile, once they were done— one of his father's trusted secretaries walked towards them.

And he loudly announced, "With Emperor Osis the III's passing, Crown Prince Sovieshu and Crown Princess Navier shall be now deemed as the next future monarch to rule our gracious and mighty Eastern Empire!"

"All hail their majesties!"

"Glory to their majesties! Glory to the Eastern Empire!'

Both young monarchs stood there, hand in hand, not knowing what to quite feel as of the matter.

On one note, Navier gave out a small sad smile and Sovieshu couldn't care less, he was too saddened to feel happy.

His father had passed in front of him and his mother went hysterical at the loss of his majesty.

But when he felt Navier's reassuring presence and the realization that he now can be with a certain Empress.

He placed a smile on his face and indulge himself at the courteous and respectful words of his people.

"Your majesty."

(Y/n) stood in front a large mirror as her ladies-in-waiting prepared her for her daily activities.

"What is it, Piere?"

She didn't need to look back at him, his reflection could be seen in the mirror and that's where her eyes gaze.

She stretched out her hands sideways, as the Countess of the house of Abott fixed the sleeves of her dress.

She wore a white, long sleeved blouse. Paired with a red crop top, unbuttoned, short sleeved blazer.

Her skirt was red and orange coloured with flowers adorning the sides of the hips. Faint golden designs and embroideries can be noticed at the bottom of the skirt.

Her long (h/c) hair was tied up with an orange bow. A red ruby headdress sits atop of her head and ruby gem dangled at the front.

Her footwear was simply a pair of ablicant and brown colored shoes with a small ribbon as its design.

"I have received news from the Eastern Empire, your majesty."

(Y/n)'s ladies-in-waiting halted their actions, they checked her look one last time and decided that she looked well primed enough.

They all gave a respectful curtsy and excused themselves out of the room. The (h/c)-nette turned to face her secretary with a questioning look.

"Go on."

She ushered him to continue, "It would have seemed that Emperor Osis the III has finally passed."

He stated, feeling indifferent some the oh-so heartbreaking news.

"The old man finally died?"

She scoffed, "About time."

"What shall we do, your majesty?"

(Y/n) stood there, staring at him while in deep thought. The Emperor of their Eastern Empire has finally died.

To think that it was the perfect time to set their plans in motion—

"Let them mourn for a while."

"What? But for how long?"

She looked at him impassively, her mind ruminating on the news and their plans, before she nodded her head thoughtfully.

"Long enough for the new Emperor to have a taste of his reign."

Surprised by her answer, he then began to disagree with her, "For that long?! If we dawdle any longer, we might miss this opportunity to—"

The Empress raised a hand, silencing him in an instant.

"Do not fret, my dear Duke Caldwell."

She simpered at him, her piercing gaze made him realized that she had mentally made a cunning plan in her head.

"We strike while the iron is hot. But for now, the iron is still warm, merely of mild temperature. Not the best suitable time for us to strike."

Piere opened his mouth, but then he closed it again. She was right. If they were to set in motion now,

Things could get a whole lot messier of the aftermath.

"Let us wait for now, let both nations have their time. I'm sure it won't be long until we do."

The Duke kneeled on to the ground and placed his fist on his chest.

"As you wish, your majesty."

(Y/n) smiled and waved her hand, Piere stood up and she stared at her reflection to check her image.

"What's on my schedule for today?"

She twirled in her dress, nodding to herself, mentally noting that her ladies-in-waiting made her presentable enough.

"You are to be meeting with his royal grace today, your majesty."

She hummed, "A meeting with a royalty?"

That's when she soon realized. "Oh! Yes, that's right. I was informed that I would meet an aristocrat from the Continent of Hwa."

"Yes that's right, your majesty."

The Duke then cleared his throat.




"You are to be meeting the Grand Duke of the Desert Kingdom."

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