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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

The sun's rays shone through the Imperial palace's large window and the palace's inhabitants were scurrying around and about.

The Imperial servants was off doing their duties, the Empress' Imperial court were discussing mere trivial matters.

Men and women gossiping and laughing around her court, some were merely enjoying the palace's grande sights.

And then there's, (Y/n), the solely reigning monarch of the (L/n) dynasty, persuading her nann— secretary to allow her from bidding farewell to the Trovi and Vict family.



"Why not?"

"Because if you would, you'd be breaking Imperial protocol."

"How is that breaking the protocols?"

She really had hope she'd be able to say goodbye to them, she even made effort to wake up extra early just to see them out.

"As it was stated; "The Emperor/Empress, shall not be allowed to bid adieu to guests after a party."

"But I'm the sovereign of this nation. I am the protocol!"

"You're the Empress. Not the protocol."

"But Piere—"

"No, your majesty, no buts."

But her efforts were all for nothing— unless...?


(Y/n) reluctantly sighed, it was Imperial protocol that the sovereign must not bid their farewells to guests no matter their status.

Due to what had happened to their court and nation years of long ago.

As bidding them adieu would make other non important nobles assume favouritism among them and would likely cause a stir.

So, it was best to not see them out personally at all.

"Piere, could you send word to Sir Lémieux, that I would like to discuss our military's current status with him."

"Is this your first act as Empress?"

"No, this is merely a slight reassurance that nothing is needed to be change to our loyal knights/ guards, yet."

Well, she's not wrong. The Duke nodded and excused himself out of her office, asking a nearby maid outside for the Captain of the Guards' whereabouts.

Once he was off of her sights and earshot, the (h/c)-nette rang the tiny bell with her hand and her butler immediately arrived.

"You called, your majesty?"

"I did."

The Empress then took out a letter that had Nevivon's symbol as its seal and gave it to the man.

"Give this to Crown Princess Navier of the Eastern Empire without the notice of Duke Caldwell and tell her that she has my dear regards."

The butler stared at the letter in confusion, she wanted him to deliver the letter to Crown Princess Navier without the Duke's notice?

Wanting to ask, he then decided against it and complied to her majesty's wishes.

"Very well, your majesty."

He nodded and gave a respectful bow, (Y/n) smiling— almost grinning ear to ear from his compliance.

"Thank you, Stefan."

Smiling, her most trusted butler let her office, leaving her alone to herself and the her thoughts.

"Protocol hm?"

Mischievously, she scoffed and smirked.

"I suppose we'll have to changed that a bit."

Her (e/c) eyes then drifted on to the pile of papers and books on her desk, and the simply elaborated chair that was designed just for her by her late uncle.

She gave out a small smile,she could still vividly remember the days as if it was just yesterday.

She was so young back then, still a little sovereign in training, she remembered how the late Emperor would let her read such books.

Books that a little 4 year old girl should not read.

But to everyone's surprise, she managed to read 15 books that were all about Nevivon's geography, currency, history, culture, traditions—

And the famous, Criminal executions.

The late Emperor, took her ability to read and understand at such a young age as a sign. A sign that she might perhaps create a legacy.

A legacy, that will forever be bore into the people's mind.




"Ah~ memories."

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