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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Everyone stared at her, as if she had three heads. The way spoke that statement so calmly made them wonder if she's in the right state of mind.

"Y-Your majesty...?"

"I'll be declaring war against the Prince."

She repeated, which made them even more confused and more shaken at the fact that she sounded very serious.

And she is.

"B-But your majesty—"

"Are you all not in favour?"

(Y/n) asked, her eyes looked at them, thinking if they weren't all approving of her brilliant idea.

"Um... it's just that..."

"What is it?"

They all stared at each other wondering if they should say it or not.

"It's just that, for you to declare war on the Prince at such a young age... it's a bit risky, y-your majesty."

One stated, fidgeting with his attire. Looking very nervous after he had stated it, hoping he had not somehow offend the Empress.

The said Empress stared at him— then she began to laugh, laughing as if he had said such a hilarious joke.

"Ha! Oh, how funny you are."

She giggled, she tried to ease her laughter but little titters remained.

"What matters is not of the physical age. I may be merely at the age of 17 but I assure you, that you should not underestimate my intellectual abilities."

She stood up, taking a large scroll from her maid and unrolling it, revealing the whole map of their world.

"And to prove you all of my thinking skills, I am well enough to be able to come up with a calculating plan."

"But it take us 3 months to get here, in Nevivon. We won't make it in time."

(Y/n) thought his words carefully, "It would also take 3 months back to Rwipt..."

The cogs in her mind started to work, in order to think of cunning plan on their current situation.

"If the Prince is in a rush...then he would certainly have a his coronation be prepared in a day or two..."

Kaufman then added, "But if he's not, then the coronation will take place in a month or so, but to be king... he'll need the people's support and approval."

"The clock is against us..."

"That is a problem indeed—!"

"Unless his highness sends an invitation, of course."

The Empress then smiled and chuckled, "There is no need to fret anymore everyone."

She stated, waving a piece of— what seemed to be a royal invitation letter in the air. Well what do you know? How convenient.


"Oh— This?"

She smiled, ear-to-ear and answered a very baffled Kaufman.

"His highness, the Prince sent me an invitation for his coronation~"

"Uh...but since when?"

The truth is, before the Prince's uprising, her uncle, the late Emperor already had sent three men under his rule.

And now, they are under (Y/n)'s. The three men were sent as spies, in order to gather information from the Kingdom of Rwipt.

And when they heard that the Prince of the Kingdom was starting a war for the crown, they immediately sent word to the Empress.

So she ordered them to continue their jobs, but this time, they were to be spies as a part of the Prince's army.

As being a Nevivonnian soldier, it was a no surprise that they would succeed in their uprising, and that she used it to her advantage.

She told her spies to tell the Prince that they were actually sent by the Empress herself so that he could 'reclaim' what was his.

And he bought it.

So, he was flabbergast at that statement and as a sign of gratitude, he sent her a letter of invitation.

It was all according to plan.

Her secretary initially thought it wouldn't work, but to his surprise, it did. Which made him wonder how scarily smart she was.

Fortunately, news came and said that the Prince did not have the majority vote of the people, so their plan was perfect.

With that, they all brainstormed a plan: a plan which involved a cause of diversion and a rescue plan for the monarchs.

Due to his increase of army, (Y/n)'s men shall be the one's causing the diversion, while few of Kaufman's loyal knights shall be the one's rescuing their sovereigns.

There plan was, to sneak Kaufman and his men past the borders and then they would be carrying the rescue plan from there, meanwhile (Y/n) and her army of soldiers will be with her throughout the mission.

It is also worth mentioning that the Empress would be fighting among the frontliners.

And Piere would be, of course, be left tending the Imperial palace on his own.

As he despises to witness a real life war. Due to what happened last time. He shivered at the thought.

He stared at (Y/n), who was getting ready for her trip to Rwipt, and approached her.

"If you ever come back,"

He started, making her look at him in confusion.




"Please do not stain the carpet."

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now