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˜"*°• Imperial Majesty •°*"˜

They both gave her a last glance— although both look like a glare to Rashta.

Well, (Y/n) did glare but subtly.

There eyes glinted under the morning sun, as they turn away and walked off. Leaving the concubine alone.

In that moment, Rashta knew...

Duke Ergi lied to her.

'But why would he lie to me?'

Yeah, why would he? He did punched a nobleman for insulting her, so maybe he just misinterpreted the Empress?

Well, that thought sounded logical.

As they left, the waterworks started. "That woman..."

One thought didn't quite suit well to her though, and that thought was...everytime she encounters the (h/c)-nette...

Why does her mere presence made her quiver?

Everytime she locked her eyes with those piercing (e/c) ones, her entire body would shut down.

Her mouth wouldn't speak and her knees would wobble.

Why she just so intimidating?

What did Rashta do to make her scary like that?

Perhaps she should just heed Sovieshu's words...

"I need to talk to Duke Ergi."

She said to no one in particular, wiping her eyes and lifting her skirt before dashing out to find the Blue Bohean Duke.

Once they both were in a more secluded place in the garden, (Y/n) let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

"Gosh, who would've thought... And she asked for Duchess Tuania out of all people."

Navier, who had just been staring at her the whole time, said nothing. But her thoughts were swirling with words.

It was the first time she had seen the Nevivon Empress looked so cold and fierce.

To her— (Y/n) looked like a true Empress.

Truth be told, the blonde greatly admires her and (Y/n) is Navier's inspiration on becoming a great Empress.

Looks like her judgment was right. "Is there something on my face?"

The (h/c) haired woman titled her head, staring confusedly at the blonde. She had noticed that she had been staring at her for awhile and hadn't said anything.

Her friend shook her head 'no' and then she asked, "(Y/n), do you like Miss Rashta?"

(Y/n) gave her a bright close-eyed smile and answer abruptly, "No, I do not."

Ah, what an expected answer.

"What do you think of her?"

The foreign woman placed her fingers underneath her chin and pretend to be deep in thought.

"Well, I think she's loud, she's annoying...oh— and she's also such a crybaby, which I find very irritating."

"Why don't you like her? Is it because she's a mistress?"

Navier already know the answer to her questions, but she couldn't help but ask them anyway since she wanted her to personally say it out loud.

"Probably. I mean, I was raised in a household where mistresses are a no-no. I suppose that grew on me."

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