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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"Your majesty!"

Rashta bursted into the room, she was holding something in her hands.


But before she could even show him what was in her hands, she gasped as her eyes widened in awe at the sight of the Emperor.

The Emperor was dressed in a dashing suit, it was much more different and fancier than the other suits he wore on the New Year's celebration.


Sovieshu looked away from his reflection in the mirror and shifted his gaze on to his concubine.

"Your majesty looks very dashing..."

He smiled at her and she quickly went to his side, and she began admiring him from head to toe.

"You look good everywhere. Aren’t you being too shameless by looking this handsome?"

"Heh. You really know how to flatter me."


It was when she remembered the reason why she came to see his majesty in the first place.

"I just remembered. I want your majesty to look at this."

She showed him a blue engraved pendant that was sparkling on her palms and he answered almost immediately.

"That's the crest of Blue Bohean."

"Wow! Your majesty is so smart! You recognized it right away."

She stared in amazement, her doe like eyes widened in astonishment again, and Sovieshu merely gave her a soft smile as he lovingly rubbed her hand.

"But anyway, why do you look so dapper today?"

She placed the pendant back in her pocket, 'He didn't even ask who gave it to me...'

The reason why she wanted to show the pendant that Duke Ergi gave her, was because she wanted to make him jealous.

But that obviously didn't seem to work as Sovieshu was calm as if he was oblivious to the stunt she had pulled.

"Didn't I tell you a few days ago that I was going to the Imperial Villa?"

"Ah... You said you'd be back the day after tomorrow, right?"

He neared his lips and gave her forehead a small peck. And he wondered...

How would she feel if he ever gave her the same affection his concubine was having?

He gently pulled away, a light blush dusted upon his cheeks. His eyes turned to glance at the clock and noticed that it was time for him to leave.

"I did. Rest up while I'm gone, Rashta."

"Rashta will see you off!"

She enthusiastically followed closely behind as she began rambling about her days.

"Are you sure? We can assign another—"

"Hush. I already told you I need to lure him in even further, I need to do this if we want to make him lower his guard."

(Y/n) was currently walking through the hallways of the main palace. With her secretary following closely behind.

"But still—"

"If you're worried that something might happen, then I can reassure you I can handle."


"You're in charge while I'm gone. Duchess Maya is still busy gathering intel for us."

"Yes, your majesty."

She turned around a corner and someone accidentally bumped into her.


"Watch where you're going...!"

The man grunted and growled, he glared at whoever had bumped into him but then as he was about to angrily scold at whoever they were.

His green coloured eyes was then met with two pairs of (e/c) sharp ones.


One was about to reprimand the old man when a butler came running towards them.

"Your majesty!"


His eyes widened, did he heard it right? Perhaps his ear had heard wrong? He was visibly old after all.

"His majesty is about to leave, let us make haste, your majesty."

Nope. He heard it right.

The old man was about to say an apology, when (Y/n) suddenly smiled at him— although it was anything but genuine.

"Very well."

The Viscount quickly bowed down his head, the (h/c) might be smiling oddly but Piere wasn't.

He shot a glare at the old man's head. He dared be disrespectful to the Empress. He was lucky he carried so little to no importance that they didn't have to waste some time on him.

They both continued on with their way, following the butler that was leading them to the Emperor.

As they walked, Viscount Roteschu could feel both their threatening aura as they walked passed him.

It won't be long till both Nevivonnians will know the identity of the man.



Rashta stopped talking when her dark eyes noticed a beautiful red box sitting inside the carriage.

"Wow. What's that box, your majesty? It's pretty!"

"It's my gift to the Empress."

The albino's ears perked up at that, 'Gift?'

"The Empress? She's also going to the Imperial Villa?"

"Yes, the trip is for her birthday, after all."

The silver-nette gasped, "I didn't know it was the Empress' birthday!"

"The Empress prefers to not make a big fuss about it. Most people don't know it's her birthday unless they are close to her or unless they are her relatives."

He explained, as he noticed how glum she looked. "It seems you're unhappy that you didn't know about it until now."

She looked down sadly, "It's because in spite of everything, I think of her as family."

"I wish I had gotten her something..."

Sovieshu let out a chuckle, finding her whiny behaviour adorable.

"Haha. You have a big heart."

Seeing that it was time for him to leave, he gently removed Rashta's hold on his arm and he began approaching the carriage.

The concubine watched as she fidgeted her fingers together.


She was about to say something to him when—





𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now