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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"Well, for one, it only takes about three months traveling from the Nevivon Empire to the Desert Kingdom and vice versa, so our diplomatic relations had no difficulties with that. Although, there are a few bandit cases here and there but it wasn't all that serious."

(Y/n) stated and smiled, taking a small bite of her well done steak. Navier sat across her as she listened attentively to what she said.

The thought of Ergi immediately disappeared inside her mind the moment Piere scheduled her for a private dinner with the Eastern Empress.

She was super happy and she practically bounced in every step she took when she walked towards the dining room.

"And what about the climate?"

"Hm, the climate in Rwipt is indeed a bit bothersome— as I have experienced it first hand— but it wasn't too much of trouble."

"Our Empires have both different traveling distances and the Nevivon Empire is fortunate to be of close proximity with Rwipt."

The Nevivon Empire is located between the Wol Continent and Hwa Continent.

And the Empire doesn't really belong in both continents, but due to being at the center of both large landmasses— its trading routes were convenient enough to help the nation prosper.

"But unfortunately for the Eastern Empire, it will take at least half a year to travel between two continents..."

"That might be troubling."

"Indeed it is."

The blonde nodded, setting her for down and gently dabbing a napkin on her mouth.

"I'm sure that the traveling distances will be our primary subject for tomorrow."

"When does the meeting start?"

"It'll start at 10 a.m. tomorrow."

That's when Navier had hummed. "Is something on your mind, your majesty?" (Y/n) asked.

"I think since you have been a veteran of having a diplomatic relations between Rwipt and your Empire, I wish for you to attend the meeting tomorrow."

Surprised, the (h/c)-nette tilted her head, "You want me to attend the meeting tomorrow?"

"Yes. I thought about it and I made a conclusion that I want to hear your full opinion and guidance for this relation."

She smiled softly at her, "If anything, I'm basically saying I want you to help us conclude a solution to our trading problem."

"And maybe receive a piece of advice from you, since I've heard you are great when it comes to diplomacy."

The Nevivon Empress blushed at her words. Wow, was she dreaming right now? Did she really heard her praising the foreign Empress?

She could feel her heartbeat beat more than usual in her chest and she could feel the butterflies in her stomach.

With a blushed, she agreed. "I would love to help you. But I've heard you are a far greater diplomat than me."

The blonde haired woman chuckled at her statement.

And both then continued on with their dinner, occasionally throwing a few chatters here and there.

Once she was done, they both bid farewell to each other— (Y/n) gave her a parting hug and the Eastern Empress hugged her back.

She then returned back to the South Palace, fully feeling like herself now.

Her anger was long gone.

That was until—

She stood in front of her mirror as her ladies-in-waiting dressed her in the most comfortable yet lavish nightgown.

The (h/c) haired woman was in a blissful daydream, knowing that she'll definitely have sweet dreams for the night.

But she noticed one of her ladies-in-waiting, the Duchess of the Maya household, looked hesitant.

As if she wanted to tell her something but she was afraid of the aftermath if she did so.

"Care to tell me what's on your mind, Duchess?"

The Duchess slightly jumped, startled by her words. She wasn't expecting her to notice her being all timid but, she should've known.

This was (Y/n), after all.

"I'm afraid if I did, I'll ruin your night, your majesty."

"If your words might give me nightmares tonight, then don't worry— I'm already used to that. So, pray tell."

The lady-in-waiting sighed and nodded, "Very well."

"Duke Ergi Claude has been spotted hanging around with the Emperor's concubine."

The moment she said his name, she could feel the feeling of anger creeping up inside her once again.

"He has been with her for the whole day and I heard they caused a bit of trouble."

"What trouble?"

"The Duke punched a nobleman in the face after the aristocrat insulted the concubine."



The Duchess backed away from her as she suddenly let out a laugh.

She was hugging herself tightly, her nails were digging in her upper limbs. Slightly drawing blood and staining her clothes.

The other women in the room, backed away from her too. Their heads were lowered, clearly avoiding her gaze.

"I'm save from doing the dirty work."

Sadly, she didn't get any pleasant dreams that night. Instead what she got was a vision of what to do next.

She woke up early the next day, and took a piece of paper— writing a letter for her dearest Navier.

"Trust me."

The blonde stood at the letter in her hand in confusion. She just woke this morning and she found the letter on her bedside table.

She was confused, indeed. What did the letter mean? What did (Y/n) want Navier to trust her for?

She didn't have the time to wrote back a reply  when Countess Eliza came inside her room and helped her prepare the Empress for today's meeting.

Navier will need to do well today.

"You're having a meeting at a round table, aren't you? You'll be seated next to people, so we shouldn't choose a dress that's too wide."

Her lady-in-waiting took out a black sophisticated dress and then went on to arrange her hair.

The walk to the meeting was quiet, servants bowed down their head when they passed by her, before continuing their jobs.

As soon as she arrived, she spotted her childhood friend waving at her while smiling.


She quickly went towards her and enveloped her in a hug, the blonde naturally hugged back and giggled.

"Greetings, your majesty."

Her emerald coloured eyes scanned around the room and noticed that almost everyone was here— except for Sovieshu.

But as if on cue, the said man has arrived. He caught everyone's gaze and nodded.




"Let's begin now, shall we?"

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