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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

A commotion in the middle of the room erupted. Everyone's eyes were glued on to the figures at the center.

"Didn't I tell you I was looking for a precious friend? Is it acceptable for a servant to deliberately fool royalty in the Eastern Empire?"

Heinley looked at her in pure disbelief and disappointment. While Cherily turned red from humiliation.

"This is absurd."

He exhaled and awaited for the trembling maid to say something.

"I-I didn't mean—! Um, I..."

She looked around her and she heard the nobles began whispering about her.

"Tsk, bringing disgrace to the country..."

If the situation didn't calm down, Navier will have to intervene and ease everyone up. But if the maid did the Prince wrong then it was either her, or her master, Rashta, that had to apologize.

The said maid quivered and frantically stared at Rashta for help. But the latter merely looked surprised and it looked like she wasn't willing to do anything.

The blonde saw this and she had no choice but to calm the situation down.

But before she could— (Y/n) grabbed a hold of her arm, preventing her to approach the commotion.


She stared at her with a questioning look. The (h/c)-nette said nothing and took a step back, and Prince Heinley spoke once again.

"You know what I believe? I don’t think you completely lied to me, is that right?"

His voice made her turned her gaze at them again, seeing the Prince gently placed a hand on the embarrassed maid's shoulder.

"I... Pardon...?"

"You know some of the letters' contents... You weren't my anonymous pen pal, but you do know the real recipient of my letters, don't you?"

His voice was low as he looked down upon her, a hand was placed under his chin, making it look like he was in deep thought.

"Perhaps the recipient is your master."

His magenta coloured eyes glanced at the Nevivon Empress— who smirked at him and gave a small nod in return.

But Navier thought that he was looking at her. Making her think that Prince Heinley was indeed her pen pal.

"Or, someone your master knows."

The blonde gulped, how was he knowing all of this? Did he already knew who the person he was sending letters to?

"You're surprisingly perceptive, Prince Heinley."


Rashta, who looked unwilling to do anything moments ago, sighed and finally stepped forward.

"From the contents of the letters, I thought you were just a flippant person."

The way she spoke was so subtle, but (Y/n) took noticed of it. She made herself sound like she had knew him by simply reading the letters.

"...Lady Cherily is your maidservant, yes?"

She nodded, "Yes."

The concubine smiled softly at him and she placed a hand on her chest, "And I'm the one you've been looking for, your highness."


(Y/n) couldn't help but repressed a laugh, although it was quite loud and everyone turned their focus on her.

But fortunately to Piere's quick thinking and reflex, he quickly turned her around and pretend to pat her back.

Making everyone think that she had choked on something or was just coughing. He hastily whispered to her to cough and she did.

Some of the aristocrats gave her a look of concern but the Duke waved them off, saying that she was alright, before they returned their attention again to the silver haired and the blond.

"Could you be anymore inappropriate?"

He lowly spoke and he glared, the (h/c)-nette grinned and shook her head.

Navier, too, gave her a concerned look and asked if she was really alright. As much as (Y/n) appreciated her concerns, she was far more amused at what was happening in front of them.

And Heinley knew this.

"I can easily prove it to you if you don't believe me."


The Eastern Empress was shocked to hear her words. Did she know?! She then gasped, Viscountess Verdi...

Prince Heinley studied Rashta carefully with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Why did you send the maid in your place?"

She smiled at him, sadly.

"Because Rashta is the Emperor’s woman. You and I are just friends, of course, but Rashta was worried his majesty would be offended."


"Even though I think of you as my friend, I hope you won’t take offense either."

The blond tilted his head and he remained quiet. But it wasn't long when he suddenly burst out laughing.

Everyone flinched at the sudden sound of his laughter, as it echoed throughout the whole room.

(Y/n) bit her lip and giggled along with him, covering her mouth with her hand when Piere gave her a side glare.

When she calmed down, she let out a sigh and whispered.

"Could he perhaps know that she's lying?"

Navier caught her gaze, so...it wasn't only her who saw through Rashta's lie?

Wait— Does (Y/n) know all of this?!

Prince Heinley's eyes flashed a look of scorn within them, but he quickly covered it up with a smile.

"I see. I wasn’t offended at all. But what if you’re a fake again?"

"Are you done thinking? You can check as much as you please. Rashta is confident." She spoke with a smug look on her face.

"No, it’s quite alright. I do not believe Lady Rashta would not lie about this."

"Of course."

Her voice was full with certainty and that made the corners of the Prince's lips went up.

"I hope it’s true this time, Lady Rashta. The second lie is likely to make me even more angry."

He hummed, and the warm look on his immediately disappeared and was replaced with a cold look.

His magenta coloured eyes icily gaze at the maid— who forced herself to bow down at his presence.

"Because she impersonated you, Lady Rashta, would you take care of the punishment?"

The Emperor's concubine nodded and before Heinley left, he could see (Y/n) from his peripheral vision giving him a self-satisfied smirk.




'Well done.'

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