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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

(Y/n) stared at him, her face being unreadable.

As silence was his answer.

(E/c) eyes were staring at his sepia coloured ones. Kaufman was anticipating this, he knew he'd never stood a chance anyway.

But regardless, it still hurt.

His mouth opened and close. Then, he sighed. Nodding his head in understanding, "Of course..."

He began turning away from her and slowly started to walk.

"Did I say you could go?"

He paused, turning his face to meet hers.

"Did your sovereign told you you could go?" She repeated.

Her face, again, showed no emotion. And this confused him a bit. He pressed his lips and shook his head.


"Then why are you walking away from me?"

It was then she began walking closer to him. The tanned man rose a brow and answered, "Because I am—"



His blinked, he was taken aback at her words, but he didn't correct her. Sadly averting his gaze on to the ground.

She got the note and gently placed a hand on to his cheek.

"You are praised by everyone being a bright diplomat, but..."

"It seems your knowledge isn't all praiseworthy on situations like this."

She chuckled. Closely, she began leaning towards his ear. His eyes widened at the soft murmurs of her words.

He then felt her kissed his cheek as her other hand pushed his face close to her lips.

Satisfied, (Y/n) purred.

"Bury that within your mind, darling~"

Her hot breath sent shivers done his spine. He felt her pull away from him and the man couldn't help but blush as she stared to walk away.


With her back turned, the (h/c)-nette subtly glanced at window with an unamused look on her face.

But deep down, she was smirking by a lot.

After meeting and conversing with the other nobles as per schedule, the Nevivonnian man found a small time for a break.

He let out a huff and adjust the collar of his shirt.

"What's taking her so long?"

He grumbled underneath his breath as he began walking the hallways of the palace.

Servants passing by, bowed and greeted his presence. Earning them a small nod of acknowledgement in return before returning to do their duties.

Turning around a corner, Piere almost bumped into a young woman— but unfortunately she was startled.

Not expecting to almost bump into someone, resulting her to lose her footing.



But with swift moves, the sangria haired Duke managed to grab a hold of her waist with one hand and the other caught a box that fell out of her grip.

"Watch were you're— Lady Laura?"

The said woman jolted in surprise when she heard her name.

Slowly realizing who caught her, her face erupted to a full blush. "P-Piere?!" She gasped, feeling embarrassed of her situation.

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