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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"So, how are you doing so far?"

(Y/n) had agreed on taking a break and the General was permitted to handle her Orivia for the meantime—

While she rest herself inside the horse-drawn wagon along with the Grand Duke and his men.

And— she took this opportunity to get to know him better.

"As fine as I can be, your majesty."

He answered, albeit a bit awkwardly. The men who had been with him, had all fallen asleep.

Leaving him and the Empress alone to talk.

Not that she was complaining.

"I see, but your body language says otherwise."

Kaufman jolted, he shifted from his seat and tried to composed himself.

Her eyes were boring holes on to him. (Y/n)'s eyes were focused on his features. He looked entirely different, somewhat.

His white albino hair had an onyx coloured wig over it and his clothing was more...ragged than usual.

She won't lie, he still looked attractive.


Her (e/c) eyes trailed him, up and down. Not knowing that she was making him slightly uncomfortable.


He then cleared his throat, seeing that she had completely zoned out. The Empress slightly jolted, his eyes now meeting hers.

"Is there something on me, your majesty?"

Something not to her liking, perhaps?

Her ladies-in-waiting did do his whole disguise look, so he thought that he should just went with it.

"No, there is nothing. Pardon me, I must have been consumed by my thoughts."

He nodded, understandingly.

"It's alright, your majesty."

She then started, "We might be here for some time, might as well get to know eachother hm?"

Her sudden statement caught him off guard, she wished to know more about him? That's the first.

Usually, foreigners like him from other sovereigns aren't worth the second bat of the eyelash.

So, why would she?

Giving their current circumstances, she must be bored. Was she? There's a possibility...?

"What for, your majesty?"

She shrugged, "Nothing, I'm simply just intrigued by you."




S-She— She was intrigued by him? Does that mean she finds him interesting?


What did he do?

Kaufman's mind then went to recall the things he did to make her feel curious about him.

But there was nothing.

So what?

"It's fine if you do not want to, I'm not forcing you, your grace."



Kaufman stared at her and replied, "I wish to know more about you too, your majesty."

"Ah, you do?"


She smiled and giggled, "Well then, I'll start."

And so their little conversation of telling eachother about their selves began. Interesting and note worthy facts were sputtered here and there.

"Well aren't you an interesting fellow~"

(Y/n) laughed and wink, a faint dust of pink appeared of his cheeks.

"W...Well, n-not really..."

He stuttered, unsure of how to react to her actions, his timid behaviour only brought the laughs in (Y/n) more.

"Haha! No really, you are. You are far more than what the rumours had stated."

He sensed no lie in that statement, which made him all the more flushed and embarrassed.

No one had ever said such things to him before. He was told a lot that he was stoic and he doesn't have that many friends.

And the fact that she had said it with no ill intention, despite the fact that he merely told a few facts about himself, made him feel warm and nice inside.

"I supposed."

A gentle smile and a vague hue of pink framed his features.

"You as well, your majesty."


You as well, despite what type of family you came from and what the rumours dare to say about you, you— you're actually different.

Was what was said inside the Duke's head.

"You're an interesting Empress, your majesty."

It was now her turn to feel flustered, albeit only vaguely, but it's still there.

She chuckled, "Why, I didn't think you would thought of me that way."

So did he, but he words spoke of the truth. He did find her very interesting, not only had she declined such riches for a simple diplomatic trade.

She had also decided to help such a small foreign Kingdom, without hesitation.

Those actions strike him curious.

"Anyways, thank you, again, your majesty."

Kaufman shyly looked away and rubbed his neck, "I certainly did not think you would agree to come and aid us."

(Y/n) playfully scoffed, "Nonsense. Just like I had stated, I am not cruel enough to decline such in need."

Not cruel, enough. He could almost laugh. How ironic, she was breed and born into a family of ruthless and cruel leaders and yet—

She was not cruel enough.

He remembered what she had said to him that night, the night before the horrible news was announced.

"And for that,"

The Duke smiled, his features were both genuine and grateful.




"I thank you."

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