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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"The Duke's lands and properties have been successfully collected, your majesty."

(Y/n) stared at the piece of parchment she was holding, her head was on her palm as she boredly looked at it.

The piece of paper in her hand was no mere paper, it was letter. A letter that was given to her after the death of the previous Emperor.

The letter was of like a list of things the late Emperor had not been able to carry out during his time.

And now as his successor, she was determined to execute every single thing that was needed to do as per written.

"Shall we confiscate more of those corrupted noble lords' lands?"

(Y/n) nodded, "And have those criminals with death sentences be done now."

"As you wish, your majesty."

The Duke bowed and obediently carried out her words, leaving her all by herself in the room.

Heaving out a heavy sigh, the (h/c)-nette buried her face in her arms on the desk.

She doesn't like to admit it but—



"Very, I am."

Of all the people she could have her eyes on, it just had to be the blonde.

(Y/n) groaned, setting herself straight while rubbing her temples. What was she doing? She was the Empress for goodness' sake.

She shouldn't be acting like this.

But, she couldn't help it.

The moment she saw her walking down the isle, in the most beautiful bridal attire, made her lose a breath.

"Goodness me."

And it still does.

"I need to collect myself."

She stood up and approached one of her bookshelves. Her finger traced every spine on each book, maybe a little reading would help her.

And randomly, she pulled one out.

The Mysteries of Love; Volume VII.

Blushing madly, she roughly shoved back the book from where it was and rushed back to her desk, slamming her has on it.

"What is going on with me today...?!"

Her breathing was ragged and she tried to catch her breath and also tried to calm herself down.

"W...Why am I feeling like this...?"

"I already knew I couldn't be in way like that with her."

"But why does my chest ache whenever I see her."

Yes she knew she was feeling the ugly feeling of jealousy, but...

Actually, (Y/n) couldn't even explain it herself. She didn't even know why she had liked her from the start.

"That's it."

The Empress marched towards to the small coffee table and wholly devoured her favourite treat.


She bursted out from her office, startling a nearby guard, who was on patrol.

"Y-Your majesty?"

"You, tell Duke Caldwell that I shall be the one to personally confiscate private lands from disloyal noblemen."

"R-Right away, your majesty."

"And bring me my horse."

"Of course..."

The soft clattering of flatware being gently scrapped against their plates filled the dining room.

No other sounds were being, aside from the faint sound of chewing and swallowing from two powerful people.

The silence was then broken by the Empress.

"I was told that you found a slave during your hunting trip and brought her back..."

The Emperor paused himself from cutting a part of his meal.

"Is it true?"

That was then he continued his meal.

"Ah. Where did you hear that from?"

"Where I heard it from isn't important. So, is it true?"


"Your majesty?"


Sovieshu no longer had the appetite to continue his meal, he grabbed a napkin and dabbed it on his mouth.

"We have a mere two meals together each week. There must be many other topics we can discuss. Is that so important right now?"


She silently stared at him then averting her gaze to the glass of wine she held. Navier then knew from this tone of voice, his tone was a warning.

And it meant that, she should in no way, shape or form question him any further.

Finally arriving from his little trip from Nevivon, Heinley landed on the balcony and turned himself human again.

His face was brightly red, recalling what the Empress did to him back at her Empire.

Touching the spot where she had kissed him, he muttered,

"She's such a tease..."

He won't lie, he himself was quite into it.


The door bursted open and came in McKenna staring at the Prince with judgemental eyes.

"Could at least cover yourself up? You are literally standing next to an open window!"

But the blond didn't even paid any attention to his bastard cousin, he was too engrossed at the thought of (Y/n).

"And for goodness' sake, why is your face so red?!"

Let's just say, Heinley spent his entire night with McKenna yelling and scolding at him, while he doesn't give him any mind.




"Are you even listening to me?!"

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now