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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Motivated by the thought of spending some quality time with Navier, (Y/n) hastily cooperated with Kaufman's liegemen as they were currently discussing economic matters.

The male albino didn't turn a blind eye at her sudden burst of energy. He found it odd when the Nevivonnian woman declared to have their meeting in advance rather than their planned schedule.

He wanted to ask, but his men pushed him aside to continue on with his activities for the day.

As it turns out, the (h/c)-nette had managed to finish the meeting with Kaufman in just 2 days.

Which means, she can either hop on next to meet with Heinley or with her former friend, Ergi. She didn't want to meet up with the latter, but she didn't want to waste lots of time with Heinley either— Piere will handle their meeting anyways.

'Hm, what to do? What to do?'

(Y/n) was currently lounging around her the salon in the South Palace, she laid on the sofa lazily and her eyes then drifted to the letter on the coffee table.

It was a letter from Kosair— who immediately wrote back a reply the moment she sent hers.

She had yet to read it, and she didn't feel like reading right now.

'Kosair's definitely going to be sulking when he receives a letter of mine late.' She mentally sighed.

She was alone in the salon, her ladies-in-waiting were all currently busy doing their missions.

Groaning, the woman forced herself to sat up. 'Ugh... I'm so bored.'

She couldn't even go and bother Sovieshu— she was so sure his mutt was right by his side all day for today.

And Navier was out of her list, she was super busy filling up both the blonde and her husband's paperwork.

And if (Y/n) were to go and see her now, little work would be done on the (h/c)-nette's side as she would definitely just goof around the blonde.

"She'll scold me again for neglecting my Imperial duties."

And she also didn't want to be seen as a bother to her. She hummed and stared at the grandfather clock in the corner of the salon.

The hour hand pointing on the number 3 and the minute hand of the grandfather clock remained still on the number 12.

It seems she's got a few hours to spare. A sudden thought then popped up in her mind.

'I suppose a little chat with her wouldn't hurt.'

She hurriedly stood up and rushed out of the salon, and began marching off to Navier's side of the big palace.

She walked through the halls, surprising the servants she passed— but they bowed their heads at her in acknowledgement and respect.

All the way, she had a smile on her face. A smile that didn't had any particular meaning but it made everyone thought she was in a good mood.

Some of the servants wanted to ask of she was wanting to see the Empress of their Empire, but they feared her slightly and her steps were in a rush— so they didn't bother.

But it wasn't Navier she was there for anyway.

A more courageous servant went up to her and ask her the reason for her sudden visit. (Y/n) beamed and told her her reason.

Surprised, they nonetheless escorted her to her destination. They lead her to one of Navier's lavish salon room and told her that the shall call for the person the (h/c) haired woman was looking for.

Some servants were then assigned to provide her majesty with some tea and some snacks.

She happily accepts their hospitality, sipping on the tea brewed just for her as she await the arrival of a certain someone.

Her thoughts wandered on what she was going to do after today. She was sure Piere will be done with everything soon.

And after that, he'll probably summarize what they did during their meeting and have her sign on a few papers, then she'll be happy to spend the rest of her day leisurely.

Awaiting for the tea party day to arrive.

Hurried footsteps then could be heard just outside of the salon.

Well that was fast, she thought. The doors to the salon opened, a firm voice announced, "Lady Laura, daughter of Marquis Tarital, has arrived."

A woman with silky ginger coloured hair stepped in— she looked very on edge.

"Greetings, your majesty."

The lady-in-waiting meekly smiled, bowing respectfully before she met her sharp (e/c) gaze.

"Hello, Lady Laura." The (h/c)-nette stood up as sge smiled back, trying to ease up the tension within the girl.

"Please, have a seat." The former motioned her hand, wanting for the lady-in-waiting to sit across her.

Shyly, Laura did what she was told. She sat there with unease, as the monarch went to pour her some tea.

"Ease up, dearie. I'm not going to bite you." (Y/n) chuckled, sitting down back to her seat.

"At least, that's not what I was planning to do." She muttered. But the woman across heard it and she stiffened at her words.

"Anyways," The Nevivon woman clapped her hands together and beamed. "I ask for your presence because there's something I wanted to ask of you. So, I apologize if my sudden visit caught you off guard."

Laura let out a breath, "Well, it's true you certainly did caught me off guard— b-but I don't mind at all, your m-majesty!"

"And please, ask away."

The ginger-nette clenched her skirt, feeling nervy at the situation of being alone with a very high standing person in a room.

"Alright, then I shall start."

(Y/n) began to cross her legs and sat up straight. Her eyes had an odd glint as she stare intently at the lady-in-waiting in front of her.

She examined her closely and chuckled internally in her mind.

'Let's see if he's worthy of her hand.'




"What is your relationship with my beloved Piere, Lady Laura of the Tarital household?"

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