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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Stars illuminated the nightly sky, the chill breeze whips past every inch and corner of the area.

The carefully designed garden was one of the many sights one would be entranced with. Female sovereigns of the past were usually the one responsible for such creation.

Her soft footsteps, gently echoed as she walked. Even without anyone's eyes watching her, she was still poised as ever.

The night breeze touched her skin, making her slightly shiver, for she was merely wearing a loose, short sleeved, lacy, silver trimmed nightgown, that reaches past her ankles.

Paired with a long, pale pink coloured, thin coat, that didn't help from emitting warmth for her slender figure.

And her long (h/c) hair was simply let loose, as her outfit and hair danced along with the breeze.

Nighttimes were the only times where she wouldn't need to wear such heavy and exquisitely elaborated clothes.

The soft rustling of leaves, her faint breathing and the melodious sounds the crickets would make, enveloped her enormous botanical grounds.


Upon walking in her lavish garden, she stumbled upon a figure. A figure that she had knew for a mere day.

"It would have seemed, the calling of slumber has yet to call on to you."

She approached, and he turned to face her.

"Your majesty..."

He bowed, respectfully and (Y/n) courteously did the same.

"I hope the garden is at to your liking, your grace."

He stared at her for a bit before replying, "It's beautiful."

Sincerely, she smiled, "I'm glad you thought so."

"Your majesty,"


He somewhat intervened her words as to she hummed at him, wanting to know what he has to say.

"Why..." He started.

"Why did you help us?"

The Empress stared at him, confusingly.

"Why? You asked for my help and so I replied that I would."

She answered, truthfully. But in the back of his mind there was a small hint of doubt, that he created himself, on why she had agreed.

"I know that, but why? You simply could've just declined."

He couldn't explain, but there was something nagging him of what she did. She agreed, yes, but why was he feeling...weird...?

"An Imote who is in need of help, simply cannot be ignored. Knowing your situation, if a king is in need of help, so does his people."

She added, "If he could not help himself, how can he help his people?"

His sepia coloured eyes stared at her, not knowing what to say. Noticing his expression, she decided to continued.

"Your King is behind the eight, and he had resorted on sending his men on a long journey to seek help,"

(Y/n) then smiled, "I am not cruel enough to decline such in need."

The moon shone it's light upon her, making her glow in the starry night. Her dress and hair lightly swayed with the wind.

So, she had simply agreed with them, because they had asked for her help.

Simple as that.

But, does she know that such matters like this would require a lot of effort, he thought. Will she be able to handle it all?

Strange. Very strange.

Usually, sovereigns that would accept other nations need of help would often be like a carrot and stick approach.

But she...

Again. There was it again. That little weird feeling, nagging inside him whenever he would think of her.

He thought, perhaps it's the doubt he had carried for her. She did came from a family of tyrants and killers.

Yes, perhaps that was the reason.

But oddly enough, he wasn't sure. "You accepted our request of your aid, merely because we...asked?"

She nodded, "And because you had traveled for three months just to be here. Your efforts of doing so— I cannot just turned a blind eye at it."

"I noticed you, Grand Duke. I am not a beggar to my neighbor, I assure you. The only thing I want in return, is for our nations to be united together, via diplomatic trade."

The (h/c)-nette gave him a genuine smile, one he could not help but mirror.

He took her hand and bend down a knee, kissing the back of her of hand with his slightly chapped lips.

And (Y/n) could only stare at his actions, she hadn't really known Rwiptian etiquette— only read in books.

So she thought that his actions was of a foreign etiquette manner.

An Empress who came from a family well known for being cruel and ruthless, made him think twice about it.

One thing is for sure, Kaufman will never forget the deed she had done for him and his country.

He stood up, staring at her as she stared back at him, their eyes glistening in the moonlight.

"Best if you return now, your majesty. You might catch a cold."

She nodded, tugging her thin coat close to her bare skin.

"As should you, my Duke."

She turned to walk the other way, her slender figure slowly disappearing from his line of sight.

"Her majesty, the Empress..."

He muttered, silently smiling under his breath.


Morning came and it was the first day of their official discussion.


As they were discussing the matters of their current situation, a distressed sound of voice dared to interrupt their session.

"Your majesty!"

Count Abott shouted, his behaviour was considered informal but (Y/n) didn't put much thought to it.

She much more intrigued as to why the Count was hurriedly rushing towards them and was sweating profusely.




"They caught him! The King!"

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