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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

The sound of a pen scribbling, paper scattering and shuffling filled the quiet atmosphere.

The cool breeze engulfed the room as it entered through the large open window in the room.

Her secretary poured warm tea on her cup and placed it next to her.

"Never in my life would I thought that, you would be so willing to finally do your paperwork."

He mused, watching her as she was intently reading the documents that was brought to her.

"Don't push your luck, I'm only doing this just so you could stop nagging me."

Piere scoffed, "Of course."

Truth was, after Navier and Sovieshu's coronation and wedding, they both were now made officially as husband and wife.

And it would be a lie if she were to say that such an event didn't shatter her heart. So, she decided to avert her focus on the paperwork that needed to be done.

"Why do I care?"

She sighed, her secretary knowing full well on what she was talking about.

"Not in front of the documents please, you're losing focus on them."

He reprimanded, however, she didn't listen to him and continued to sulk.

"Stop that."


"Your majesty!"

The Empress leaned back in her seat, sighing and rolling her eyes at him. Such act only irked him further.

"Why do you even feel that way?"

"You tell me."

"You're the one feeling how you're feeling right now, shouldn't you know?"

(Y/n) stared at him, he was right. She was the one feeling this way, shouldn't she know. Once again, she sighed.

"And stop sighing, that's unhealthy."

Gods, he truly does act like a nanny. She would sometimes wonder if she really was her secretary or not.


Just then, the sound of wings flapping caught both their attention.

A large golden bird flew inside the room and its magenta coloured eyes spotted (Y/n) on her desk.

It flew towards her and it perched itself on her left shoulder.

"Took you long enough, I was starting to wonder if you wouldn't visit me."

"Coo! Coo!"

"Oh, of course you would."

She laughed and lovingly caressed the bird, with it softly growling at her touch. Piere then came in and brought back some water for the bird.

It was already a routine for him to do— sometimes they would ask a servant.

(Y/n) moved some papers away and placed the creature on the desk, next to the bowl of water the Duke brought.

"What letter have you got for me this time?"

The Empress untied the letter that was on the bird's leg and unfolding it to read its contents.

The letter reads;

"Will you be attending the Eastern Empire's invitation? If so, will you come with me. I'd be delighted to know if you would agree."

Ah yes, the Eastern Empire's invitation of their New Year's Eve ball.

Wasn't that nice?

To think that they would certainly invite her to a party, but what made her so glum about it was—

The person who sent her an invitation was signed by Sovieshu.

It's not like she didn't like him.

It was that, she was merely disappointed it wasn't Navier, that's all.



The golden bird stared at her, noticing that she was staring at the letter for quite sometime.

"Your majesty?"

It was then when Piere's voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"Yes, I will be going."

She smiled, caressing the head of the creature. She really didn't have any other choice.

The High Priest did request her to stay for a while in the Eastern Empire, saying something like, in order to form a stronger bond or whatever.

"And that'll be nice, Heinley."

Heinley the bird happily squawked in delight, earning a soft chuckle from (Y/n) who continued to spoil him with soft touches.

"Aw, don't you look adorable~"


"Haha! You're blushing!"


"So cute~!"


Piere cleared his throat, the feeling of being the third wheel didn't suit his taste.

"I'll escort Prince Heinley to his room."

"Ah— I'll do—"

"No, you will stay here and continue your work."

"Eh, but—"

"No. No buts."

(Y/n) sulk in her spot and her secretary took Heinley the bird and escorted him to the room he'll be staying at the moment.

Heinley let out a sound of a chuckle and left her office with Piere carrying him.

Once they were out of her sight, (Y/n) let out a sigh and took her tea, nearing it to her lips. The tea was slightly cool by now and she took a small sip.




"New Year..."

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now