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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"My Queen!"

Her eyes landed on a blonde haired figure and she immediately lifted her skirt and rushed to her.

Navier and her ladies-in-waiting halted in their tracks when they heard someone called out.

(Y/n) approached her with a smile and the ladies-in-waiting respectfully curtsied at her presence.

"Your majesty, you're here early."

She spoke after they both bowed to one another. "Did they postpone the meeting?"

"Oh, no. I didn't attend it."

"You didn't attend the meeting? Why?"

The Nevivon Empress waved her hand dismissively, "I had Piere attend it for me, and because I simply want to spend some time with you."

She gave Navier the most brightest smile she could muster. The blonde let out a sigh, there she goes again.

Don't get her wrong, she adores the (h/c)-nette and her childish antics, but for a monarch to frequently skip out meetings just to have fun was very boorish.

But then again, this was (Y/n) we're talking about. Things like those are the least of her concerns.

"Very well, shall we take a walk?"

"Yes, please."

She smiled at her enthusiasm, and she dismissed her ladies-in-waiting with a nod of her head.

"This way then, your majesty."

The (h/c)-nette beamed as she happily followed the Eastern Empress like a little puppy following its master.

The blonde led them both to the Imperial garden, they both chatted about trivial things.

Navier would laugh at (Y/n)'s jokes here and there— although the latter would have to explain to her joke as there were some that the Eastern Empress couldn't understand.

But everytime she would smile, her heart would flutter in delight as a small blush crept up on her cheeks.

The morning breeze swept passed them both, gently grazing their soft smooth skins. The morning sun was like a warm blanket wrapping both the bodies comfortably.

Their hairs flew along the wind, the soft rustling of the leaves resonated within the garden.

"But then Sovieshu knocked something with his elbow and we almost got caught, it was a good thing I'm fast."

"Did you really went all that trouble just to get some cookies?"


"Why didn't you just ask your ladies-in-waiting to bring you some?"

"Because that doesn't sound so fun."

The blonde playfully scoffed and stifled a laugh.

Her smile was bright, so bright that in the (h/c)-nette's opinion— Navier's smile could rival the sun's.




The two Imperial Empresses paused in their tracks and turned their gaze towards whoever interrupted them.

"Ah— I meant your majesty."

When her dark eyes noticed another figure standing next to the golden hair royal— her breath hitched.

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now