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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

(Y/n) sat gracefully on her chair, from one glance at her, one could tell from her poise that she was happy for the soon-to-be King.

But the truth was far from that.

Inwardly, she was itching to do harm on that man and she was trying so hard to contain herself.

She would've been able to control her bloodlust if she had eaten some sweets, but alas, she couldn't.

She was too fixated on their plan of action, the only sovereign attending the coronation was her.

Others were just high ranking aristocrats from different branches of families— all whom were reluctant to where they were now.

All of them— even (Y/n), were faking genuinity.

Who would've thought, all high ranking men from this country didn't dare side themselves with that fat man.

But attended the ceremony anyway, in fear that they would be killed. A bit too late for them, isn't it?

The large double doors then opened and in came the Prince in full regalia. Everyone respectively stood up, smiling as he walked by.

Although his eyes lingered on her for awhile before approaching the alter with an anxious priest, who didn't even try to hide it.

Once the priest started his speech in a language (Y/n) fully understands, everyone respectively sat back on their seats and watched as a horrible scene unfolds.

After two hours of preaching and giving his blessing, the time finally came where the Prince would consume a fluid like substance in order to be King.

Here's a little note, you see, the priest that was tending the coronation was one of the priests from her homeland that she had brought with her secretly.

Fortunately, the priest she brought was fluent in many languages, thus he could speak Rwiptian easily without any accent.

Which made them believe, he was Rwiptian. And also that Nevivon and Rwipt have both a somewhat of a similar a culture.

Which made everything a whole win-win for her.

And as the Prince neared the bowl of liquid to his mouth—

The bowl was instantly dropped.

And the Empress could no longer hid her ear-to-ear smile. Everyone was startled at the sudden noise and all turned to the Prince.

Who was starting to breath irregularly.

His breathing becomes paralyzed and his body started to shook, uncontrollably.

By now, everyone was starting to panic. The moment he collapsed on to the floor, a noblewoman screamed and made the whole situation worse.

Everyone panicked even more as the Prince's body was twitching out of control and there was now foam forming on his mouth.

When a nobleman attempted to check the Prince, he was then pushed by the Empress' knights.

Saying that they had they would deal with it themselves and escorted and everyone in the cathedral.

Everyone didn't even seemed to hesitate to leave that place. They surely didn't want to be involved and be blamed by the event.

Once everyone was out and the doors sealed shut, (Y/n), as calmly as every, approached the twitching Prince on the floor.


He croaked, looking at her, his pupils were constricted. One of the many affects of the poison (Y/n) brought.

"Hm, no. I don't think I will."

(Y/n) smiled and knelt down, examining him— more like mocking him in a way.

"Ah, good ol' sarin gas poisoning. Isn't it wonderful~?"

She giggled as she watched him suffer, "You're definitely taking it well."


Why was she doing this him? He didn't understand? Didn't she helped him rebel in the first place?

Wasn't she the one who told him the exact location of the Imote and Imona?

"Mh, looks like you are not fitted to be a King. Such little nerve agent was too strong for you apparently."

She chuckled, "Well, I supposed if you can't be the Imote then, I supposed we'll have to have the old ones back."

That's it! She couldn't take it anymore!

"Sir Lémieux, hand me my sword."

The said man didn't waste any time and gave her the Imperial Family's treasured heirloom.

Their legendary rapier; Necrosis' Torment.

It was said that such weapon could easily cut a man clean and its diamond blade would shine brightly on the bloodstain of the wielder's foe.

And that it was named by it name because it can cause such pain— an unbearable pain that even the dead could feel it.

The twitching almost dead Prince was consumed by fear, he didn't want to end everything he had worked for like this.

Tears ran down his eyes, but (Y/n) felt no pity for him. She pointed the tip of her blade on his neck and she gave him a deranged look.

"I'll see you in hell, your royal highness."

Once he had arrive at the location the map showed him, Kaufman and his men managed to safely rescue the sovereigns and were able to led them back to the palace.

Strangely, they had expected to be ambushed by the Prince's guards but were met with none.

They had stayed there for the rest of the day and anxiously waiting for the Empress to come back.


Once she did, the double doors bursted open startling them, and once they put their eyes on (Y/n)—


They were beyond terrified.

"Namaste, apane shaahee mahima!"

She was covered in blood from head to toe, horrified, they didn't even noticed her throwing something at them.

"A deal's a deal, just as promised!"

She gleefully exclaimed as if she wasn't fazed by any of it all.

When they finally came to their senses, they turned to look at what she had thrown them and was all the more terrified.




It was the decapitated head of the Prince.

One the servants screamed in fright and the female sovereign merely chuckled at their reactions.




"It was a pleasure doing business with you."

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