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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

After Laura's imprisonment, Navier personally went to retrieve her herself.

She had her lady-in-waiting bathed in her personal bathroom, brought her some soup and also ordered her favourite sweets afterwards.

Just then—

"His majesty wants to see me?"

"Pardon me for interrupting, but yes... His order was to take you to him immediately."

One of Sovieshu's secretary came and announced that her presence was requested by the Emperor.

"Fine, let's go."

Navier sighed and nodded, "Once the sweets are her, tell Laura to enjoy herself and eat. Then tell her, she can rest for a few days before she comes back.”

"Yes, your majesty."

The Countess nodded at her words and the blonde left the room with Sovieshu's secretary leading the way.

As she entered the east part of the palace, the whole atmosphere changed. All they way going there she had hope she wouldn't run in to Rashta again.

The first time they met was when their first unofficial argument with Navier began and that woman had won.

Once she was inside his chambers, she had entirely expected to see the silver haired woman beside him.

But she was nowhere to be seen.

"Her majesty is here to see you, your majesty."

His secretary stated, bowing as he did so.

"You called?"

The Emperor turned his gaze towards her and nodded, "Ah, yes. Empress."

"You may leave." He gestured his hand to the secretary, who obediently took his leave without any other word.

Once he left, Sovieshu spoke, "I heard you insisted on personally escorting the girl I locked up—"

"Her name is Laura, daughter of Marquis Tarital."

"Did you really have to?"

"Are asking why I had to personally attend to her when you expressly had her punished?"

"So you know."

He gritted his teeth, "And you still tended to her... When you should have had thrown her out instead."

Navier knew that if she were to tend to Laura personally she would greatly offend her husband by doing so.

But her lady-in-waiting is her current priority now, she has no time for whatever he was feeling.

"It's unjust to throw out a servant punished for being devoted to me. Moreover, her actions were well within the bounds of common sense."

"Calling people a filthy wench?"

“She was trying to stop someone from pulling on my clothes. A scolding would have been enough.”

Sovieshu stood up from his place, it seemed like the more she spoke the more his expression become cold.

"So. You insist on keeping her by your side?"

By what had happened, Laura already became a laughingstock. Being punished because of someone who was not even his mistress yet.

And if she were to let go of her, the ginger haired girl will surely become an outcast of high society.

And Navier wasn't going to let that happen.

"Who I appoint as my lady-in-waiting is my prerogative."

"This quibble with you tires me."

The ravennette sighed and turned his gaze away for a moment before giving her a side glare.

"Why can't you just obediently do as I say for once?"

“The Empress... does not have to bend to the Emperor’s will.”

Navier clenched her her hand into a fist,did he honestly thought that the Empress would simply be at his beck and command?

"That's why I can't help but compare you three!"

His sudden proclamation surprised both him and the blonde.


Compare? With whom?

What did he mean by that?

Sovieshu stared at her for a bit, before turning his gaze away, "I'm tired. You may go."

The Empress gladly took her leave without saying a word. Shutting the door with a firm click.

"You are unbelievable..."

Piere sighed and groaned in disbelief, as (Y/n) excitedly giggled and slowly started to undress herself.

"If anyone would see you like this, they will think you're being disgraceful and inappropriate for a woman with a very high standard."

The (h/c)-nette, now fully nude, smiled and stared at him.

The Duke was wearing a blindfold over his eyes and acted like a clothing rack for all the clothes she had undressed.

"And that's why locks are invented."

He groaned, "Honestly..."

"Although I'm a bit impressed on how you so easily have charmed the Prince."

"Oh I don't know what you're talking about, I merely looked at him and he started to send letters to me."

"Don't forget that he had been visiting you every week and due to that, Prince Heinley is now foolishly in love with you."

Piere then added, "So foolishly in love to the point that, he willingly even told you the secrets about his entire family's descent."

(Y/n) chuckled, "That was only because I accidentally stumbled upon him while he was in the process of transformation."

It was 5 weeks later from her coronation when the large golden bird visited her again with a poetic letter tied to its leg.

As she was about to entertain it, but she was called by one of her servants to the main hall for a brief meeting.

It was when she returned where she found out the bird's true identity, the moment she opened the room a bright glow emitted.

And revealed the Western Prince all in his glory.

She could remember how he turned around and saw her, both freezing for a moment before he let out a terrified scream.

(Y/n) laughed and began to prepare herself, "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to do this."

"If it weren't for my approval, you wouldn't be able to do this, your majesty."

The Empress then began to emit a bright glow from her body, before starting to slowly shrink.

Her cousin sighed, "Why didn't you do this with your clothes on?"

The (h/c)-nette raised her arms, there were small feathers slowly growing out of her skin and her mouth began to morphed into a bird's beak.

(Y/n) took a glance at him one last time before stating,




"Because it's much less of a hassle this way."

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