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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

As predicted by her lady-in-waiting, the clouds poured down heavily, soaking the poor (f/c) bird wet.

Meanwhile, Navier sat down at her vanity, her lady-in-waiting, Countess Eliza, was brushing her long golden locks.

"Do you like birds, your majesty?"

The blonde hummed at her question, "Yes, I think they're lovely."

Her thoughts then wandered off to her lovely bird companion, Queen. She had been looking forward to receive a reply today, but seeing how the weather was, Navier could understand.

"Then why don’t you raise one or two birds of that species, or any other species?"

"Oh yes. It would be amazing to have a chick from birth."

"Let’s bring them together!"

Her ladies-in-waiting squealed and gushed, as they continued to talk about raising a bird of their own.

Navier thought about their words, it was a tempting thought, but she shook her head.

"No. Seeing one is different from raising one." She stated.

Her beautiful bird friend was exceptionally intelligent, Queen must have a very good master.

They must've trained the (f/c) creature very well. But the thought of raising a bird deemed unclear to her.

It was unclear to her whether she liked birds or maybe she just liked Queen, that one specific bird that would ease her stress away.

Laura looked at the time and announced that it was time for all of them to retire. The blonde nodded and bid them farewell and goodnight.

Just as she was about to lay down on her bed however—


A loud squawk of a familiar bird made her immediately rushed outside her balcony to see her.


Seeing the (f/c) creature, Navier was shock at what she saw. She then rushed inside, carrying the bird in her arms.

The large bird let out soft sound, feeling the warmth of her embrace.

The blonde took a soft towel and sat down on her bed, with Queen settled nicely on her lap. She untied the, surprisingly dry, letter and it reads:

"Shall we make a bet? The one who figures out who the other is firsts, wins."

"A bet?"

Her tone had a hint of vexed in it, as she felt anger rise up within her.

(Y/n)— Queen, noticed this and remained silent, internally sweating as she hadn't expected such a reaction from the blonde.

"The nerve of your master, making you go out in this rain!"

She exclaimed, gently rubbing the soft towel upon the (f/c) bird, effectively drying her feathers.

"What a wicked master you have!"

"Chirp? Chirp?"

The bird shook her head, strongly disagreeing by what she said.

She rose a brow at her behaviour, Queen certainly was a bird like no other. Navier grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down her reply.

"Why are you shaking your head? It's clear that you do."


"And what will be the prize?" Was what she wrote.

Once she was done, the bird quickly stretched out her leg, as if she wanted her to tie her letter to it.


Navier thinks about it and then rejected the idea of doing it. If she were tie it up now and let Queen fly out in the hard pouring rain...

The she would surely catch a cold.


Lifting the letter high up, away from the creature's reach as she shook her index finger.

"It's raining outside and I'm different from you master. If I send you now, you will catch a cold."

Her green coloured eyes then softened as she continued to speak, "You shall sleep with me tonight. I'll let you leave once the rain lets up."




Queen felt her heart stopped. She really wasn't expecting to be faced with that bold statement of hers, today.

But, she was left with no choice.

Moments later, Queen remained frozen in her spot. Feeling the blonde's soft breathing behind her, as well as the sound of her heartbeat.

She turned head and was met with the most breathtaking view.

Navier was sleeping softly in her bed, in her arms was her, the bird version on (Y/n), looking as gorgeous as ever.

If she was in her human form, in this situation, she would have a hard time breathing properly and with a beet red face.

Honestly, she doesn't know how much her heart could take it anymore.

So carefully, she squirmed her way out from the arms of the beautiful sleeping Empress. Making sure to not accidentally wake her up.

She made her way towards the table and took the note in her beak, before finally flying away from the place.

The next morning, the Eastern Empress hummed and woke up from her sleep.

Feeling the empty spot next to her, she blinked open her eyes and saw that her (f/c) bird companion was no longer there.


She looked around the room and saw that the window was slightly ajar, she looked at her desk and was amazed.

'What a smart bird.'

"Countess Eliza, did you clear the paper from my desk?"

The older woman shook her head, "No, your majesty. Is it gone?"

"Yes, I think Queen must have taken it."

The Countess' eyes widened in amazement, she was very impressed at what she said.

Navier was then prepped up to get her ready for the day, and each step she took, Queen was all she could think of.

Queen was quite intelligent, so his owner had to be as well, perhaps it was Emperor Sirim from Blue Bohean. She had heard he was quite smart.

Moreover, as Blue Bohean was a maritime country, it used messenger birds the most compared to other countries…

As she sat down in her office, doing her usual paperwork, she heard a chirping sound from outside,

"Hmm?" She turned around to face the source of the sound and was met with Queen.


"Queen! Did you left last night in the pouring rain?"

The bird shook her head and offered her the letter on her leg.

'I wonder what your master wrote...'

She curiously unfold the letter and it reads:




"Queen shall be the prize."

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