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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"That's none of your business."

She scoffed, but she didn't walk away. Instead she remained frozen in her spot as his words lingered inside her mind.

Will she?

(Y/n) doesn't even know if Navier shared the same feeling...

She clicked her tongue.

Damn it.

He really knows where to strike where it hurts the most.

And she'll bet that that bastard was smirking behind her back— And he was. He knew what that blonde meant to her and decided to use it against her.

He sighed, blissfully.

'Oh (Y/n), the thing I can do right now is savour this feeling. Look at you, stuck right frozen on your spot, I'm very jealous how she means more to you than me.'

"Let's talk. So, that at the end of the day, we both can have what we always wanted."

His words never seemed to tempt her, but...


And just like that, her hesitation was gone in an instant.

"I'll let you indulge in my presence for a bit."

He squealed internally— like how a highschool girl would whenever her crush would notice her.

But instead of a smile, she gave him the most strictest glare.

It made him both fear and love her at the same time. And he wasn't complaining at all, it was quite the opposite actually.

He was enjoying it.

"Right this way!"

He said it, almost too enthusiastically. He offered her his arm to take, but before he could— she immediately walked passed him.

But that didn't faze him, as he smiled a trudged along beside her.

Once they had arrived to his room, he then gestured her to take a seat across him. And on the table had an assortment of desserts, and some tea.

He waved his hand dismissively at the servants and they obey almost immediately at his motion.

Leaving them both with the privacy they needed— or rather Duke Ergi needed.

Her (e/c) coloured eyes then spotted her favourite dessert and she went for it—

"Allow me."

But before she could, Duke Ergi took liberty and gave her a slice.

He smiled and she stared him impassively and the tension within the room was questionable.

One was seething with rage deep inside and one was deeply lovesick with the other.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?"

He poured her some tea first before speaking, "I just realized that I never had told you this..."

He smiled softly, "I heard you officially became a member of Heinley's clan and I wanted to congratulate you."

"Is that all?"

"No, I have more to say."

"Then get on with it already."

He inwardly chuckled, she's so impatient~

(Y/n) stabbed a piece of cake with her fork before drawing it near her lips and munch it.

"I already know you know this, but I'm going to say it anyway. I have been manipulating my next target and she's expectedly easy to falsify."

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now