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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"Well, you should know me by now."

(Y/n) sheepishly smiled as she scratched her cheek. Earning a small giggle from the blonde.

"Unfortunately for you,"

She smiled, "I'm not like Sovieshu. I shall have to turn you down for your notions of relaxing around."

She returned back to her seat and her words formed a small pout on the (h/c)-nette's lips.

Navier chuckled at her response and shook her head. "If you want to spend some time with me, I suggest you start working."

With an obvious hint of reluctancy, (Y/n) sighed and agreed.


They already had a long break from visiting the Imperial Villa, might as well scribble down on a piece of paper or two.

Then again, as long as she can get closer to the blonde— she's willing to do her paperwork for her.

(Y/n) ordered a servant to tell Duke Caldwell she'll be handling her work for today— or at least, until Sovieshu gets better.

Soon after that, the two went to work and unsurprisingly, both coordinated well in the matters of both their Empires.

They chatted while they work, often throwing a few teasing remarks to one another.

And it made the whole ordeal much more less stressful due to the (h/c)-nette's light-hearted presence.

"Hm, I heard the Duchess is hosting a tea party next week."

"Duchess Tuania?"


(Y/n) nodded her head, while writing down her signature on a document.

"I had been informed by my lady-in-waiting that the Duchess had sent an invitation for me. I was wondering if she had sent you too."

"Yes, Duchess Tuania had sent me the same."

"Are you going to go?"

"Well, it would be rude to decline a her. She is a Duchess after all."

The Nevivon Empress smiled, "Then let's go together! I heard the venue is taking place at the Crystal House."

Navier paused her actions and turned to her, "Will Piere permit you to go? You do have quite the paperwork to work on, after all. Not only that, I heard that there's a meeting taking place and that you are involved."

"Ah, I almost forgot about that..."

"The Grand Duke Kaufman is also participating in this meeting, no?"

"He is."

Well that could be a problem. If only her work currently was all about the matters of her own economy— she would let Piere handle it.

But since her work contains a special request for a more upgraded treaty and alliances from other nations that she had made connections with...

She'll have to do it by herself.

And she has meeting to take part of for 3 days with Kaufman and she has to attend a secret meeting with Heinley and his men after that.

Not to mention, she also needs to have a 'talk' with Ergi. But she can reschedule that part. Not that that man was any of importance anyway.

She might be unable to show up for Duchess Tuania's tea party.

And (Y/n) wanted to go.

She was sure that Sovieshu would still be sick to attend— if the Duchess had even sent him invitation.

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