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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"They caught him! The King!"

He shouted, "The Prince had caught him!"




Gasp filled the air, their eyes widen at the sudden news.

(Y/n) approached the Count, calming him down as best she could, ordering a nearby servant to fetch water for the exhausted man.

"Ease your breath, Count Abott."

She comforted, rubbing her hands on his arm and his back, effectively calming him.

"There, that's it."

A servant then gave the man some water, to which he greedily gulped down. As he placed the glass down though—

"What is the meaning of this?"

The Grand Duke approached the Count, still comprehending what the man was sputtering about.

"What do you mean—?!"

"Calm down, Grand Duke Kaufman."

She stated, standing up from her seat after successfully calming the Count down.

"Let him take his time."

Knowing he can't get information from a tired man, he reluctantly obeyed and allowed him to take his time.

Once he did, the Count then started to explain everything.

"I have received news, from the Kingdom of Rwipt."

"What about?"

"The King, your majesty, has been captured, along with the Queen."


Kaufman exclaimed. "How?!"

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could such a thing happen? How were they caught?

They were so sure as to not slip anything up!

This is bad. Very bad.

Disastrously bad.

If the King is captured that would mean—

"He'll be executed."

The foreign let out a sharp gasp, facing the Empress with wide eyes and a shocked expression.

"The King— we cannot stay here anymore—"



She stared at him, blankly, "Calm down, Grand Duke Kaufman, you are thinking irrationally. If you were to head home now, you'll be ambushed."

She stated, with a poise posture and a collected composure.

"Sit down, we have further much to discuss."

"Sit down?"

He glared, "Our Imote and Imona are in a grave situation, if we merely sit down and discuss they could be—"

(Y/n) gave her butler a letter and Stefan proceeded to rush out of the room. Obediently following her majesty's orders.


"Grand Duke Kaufman of the Kingdom of Rwipt."

She started, "Sit down and calm yourself. Your state of panic will clearly not be able to help you think straight."

Her words were piercing, but her features showed no scowl or a growl. It was cool and composed.

But her voice—

"Please, your grace. Take a breather."

One of his liegemen uttered, he was just as worried as he was. But he was more calm than the Duke.

He sighed and took a seat, (Y/n) looked at the Count and motioned a maid to remove him from the room.

The Count was clearly tired and she ordered to him to rest.


"Yes, your majesty?"

"Bring in the Captain and the General."

"Right away, your majesty."

Her secretary nodded, excusing himself to find the two people that were needed by the Empress.

"How can this be?"

"How did he managed to get through the capital?"

"His majesty was well hidden, so how?"

The foreign liegemen all asked questions that would yet need an answer, her (e/c) eyes stared at them.

And at the white haired Duke.

She sighed, this was not a surprise. (Y/n) approached them and sat at the head of the table.

"Fret not, gentlemen."

They all stared at her, shockingly.

"How can we calm at a time like this?"

Yes, how can they? When their beloved Imote and Imona was caught by their sworn enemy. Yet, how can she?

Remain so calm about this?

"There are many possibilities of what could have happened as to why their royal majesties had been caught."

She said, thinking deeply about the matter. "And I highly doubt they would be executed on the spot."

"And that's a good thing? Your majesty wouldn't know, the Prince is a very vile man. He'll stop at nothing just to have the crown on his head."

She hummed, "Well, that is true. But, isn't it Rwiptian law; that a Prince could not harm the King and Queen unless he had the power of like a sovereign or the support of the people?"

They gawked, had she been studying their nation's laws and regulations? How much did she know?

"If the Prince had the people's support, then yes, they may be killed on the spot. But if not, then the Prince will have to be coronated to become the next King."

(Y/n) stared at all the foreign men in front of her, continuing to impress them with her vast knowledge.

"So which means, if the Prince is of the latter, then he'll have the Imote and Imona be imprisoned somewhere, and the preparation of the coronation ceremony would give us plenty of time to initiate our plan."

"And if not?"

"And if not..."

She shrugged, "Then I'll have to move on to phase two."

They stared at her, all having the same question.

"Phase two?"

The Empress gave them a small smile, a hint of smirk danced upon her lips but was unnoticeable.




"I'll be declaring war against the Prince."

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