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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Her friend nodded, "It looks obvious to me already that the moment you go back home to Nevivon, your courtiers will pester on about your soon-to-be."

"Oh yeah, that..."

(Y/n) silently let out a groan. Dabbing a napkin on her mouth and placing her glass down.

"I don't see anything to worry about that, honestly."

She chuckled, "I mean, if it's an heir they want, then I could just place my cousin's child as the next in line. Or if I died early, then I'm sure Piere would make a great Emperor."

"Why not your own child, (Y/n)? Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Ah well..."

There's absolutely nothing wrong with it at all. It's just that (Y/n).....well, let's just say she's...uncertain.


She sighed, "There's nothing wrong with me taking a consort and conceiving an heir, it's just that....."

"I want to be with someone who"

The (h/c)-nette couldn't help but pressed her lips, gosh that sounded cheesy. But she wasn't lying though.

"It may sound childish but—"

"Don't worry, I understand completely, your majesty."

Navier gave her a soft smile, "You don't want a marriage that would turned out like Sovieshu and I, do you?"

The foreign woman paused, silence took over the room as the blonde looked sadly at her.

Of course, seeing your husband have a mistress is the last thing any wife would want to see.

She cursed herself, this was supposed her birthday and it should be all cheers and smile. And yet she made her recall that sad and pathetic excuse of a husband.

She felt awkward.

Every time the two of them would talk about Sovieshu, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel out of place.

Nothing was like the way they were children anymore. Now, they were fully grown adults. Two of her friends were married to each other and she on the other hand.....

Was stuck in a cobweb of a romantic mess.

Sighing, she gave her a smile and decided to change the subject.

"Your people sure are lucky to have you as their Empress." She smiled genuinely at her, "Even though you are going through a tough marriage, I still think of you highly as a woman who prioritizes her people first."

Navier felt that odd feeling again, but she shrugged it off and merely thought that her friend has a good way with words.

"I am the Emperor's wife, the Empress, it is my solemn duty to help him look over his people."

"And I say, you deserve an award for all your hard work."

The blonde giggled and raised her glass to toast (Y/n)'s, again. It was safe to say that, she made a great choice of bringing the (h/c)-nette with them.

If she hadn't, she wouldn't be laughing and smiling right now.

"They sure are lucky..."

The Nevivon Empress muttered, staring at the woman across her with a soft gaze. "I wonder what my life would be like if you were to be my Empress."




Did she say that out loud?!

Her face turned red and she quickly tried to correct what she had said. "I-I mean...! I-I wondered what would it b-be like for me to have you...!"


Ah! She didn't mean to say that too!

"Oh no...! Wait! I d-didn't mean to say that! I m-meant—!"

Navier's mouth was slightly agape, there it is again. That same odd feeling of warmth crept up inside her chest, and she could feel herself blush at (Y/n) stammer.

She suddenly let out a hearty laugh that made the Nevivonnian shut up and paused at her angelic noise.

The latter's face turned even more red at the sudden noise of cachinnation from the woman in front of her.

Had she said something funny?

She doesn't recall saying something funny.

Maybe it was because she had stammered, it was uncharacteristic of her to do so.

But to be honest with all of you, Navier is the only person that can make our dear mc act atypically.

If that wasn't made obvious enough.


She nervously fidgeted with her fingers as she stared at her with a red questioning face.

"I-I'm sorry...!"

The blonde exclaimed within each breath. Her cheeks had a small dust of red and the (h/c)-nette was able to notice it.

Hm, (Y/n) somehow felt proud that it was her making her laugh and smile like that. It was her, and not that scumbag of a husband of hers.

It wasn't long till her laughter died down but she would still let out a few titters here and there.

Although, the Nevivon Empress still doesn't know what was so funny to her.

"It's flattering to hear you say that you would want someone like me to be your Empress."

She smiled, "But I don't think there is a need for me to be. After all, seeing your empire had gradually prosper under your rule, I wouldn't be of much help."


The (h/c)-nette exclaimed, "Ah— I mean, if you were...I'm pretty sure you'd make a great contribution to whichever nation you rule."

Navier giggled softly at her sudden bashful demeanor, "Thank you, (Y/n). Hearing your words makes me feel grateful to have you as a friend."


The said woman paused but she returned a smile to her, pretending to be unaffected by her words.





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