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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

(Y/n) trudged back to her room, servants that would passed by her would bow immediately and wouldn't dare to meet her gaze.

She might not look like it— as she maintained an impassive look.

But her aura was threating, it was as if she was ready to kill those who would dare to make her day even worse.

She reached her room and her ladies-in-waiting greeted but then they quickly shut themselves up— even the Duchess.

"I want everyone out."

Without another word, everyone began to scramble out of room. She was clearly pissed and they didn't want to suffer from her wrath.

Once they were all out, (Y/n) dropped her apathetic look and replaced it with a look of anger.

Her body was itching to kill someone.

That stupid Ergi. She thought. He knew he wasn't allowed to see her anymore but that damn bastard was too in love and too stubborn to obey.

She clenched her hands into a fist, her blood was almost at a bursting boiling point and it was all because of that man.

She should've killed him when she had the chance.

A knock then resonated inside her room and she broke away from her thoughts, she turned around and saw her cousin with holding a tray of tea, along with some desserts.

She groaned and reluctantly sat down as Piere approached her and placed the tray on to the table.

"I'm not in the mood for you scoldings."

She hissed, warning him that she wasn't in a stable state at the moment.

Duke Caldwell shook his head and poured her, her favourite tea and set a plate of her favourite dessert in front of her.

"I'm not here to scold you."

Well, at least, that was what he was originally going to do but when he heard the arrival of the Duke of the Blue Bohean royal family,

He knew that it was best to not add more fuel to her fire.

"I heard what happened—"

"Of course you do, you out of all people are up to date with whatever I do."

She scoffed and her secretary sighed. He motioned for her to drink her tea to calm herself down.

"Drink your tea, your majesty. That's the only thing you can do to ease your nerves."

He spoke in a soft tone, he was being careful as to not step on any of her landmines, figuratively speaking that is.

"Unfortunately, you can't kill someone here in the Eastern Empire. So, you'll have to drink your tea."

If you hadn't realized it yet, (Y/n)'s coping strategy when it comes to her temper mental issues was killing people.

Not innocent people though, she's not that cruel to her people. She only kills criminals with bad criminal records.

But unfortunately, she couldn't do that in the Eastern Empire.

She let out sigh and reluctantly did what she was told.

She chug her tea down her throat and carelessly threw the porcelain cup down on to the table.

She leaned on her chair and she closed her eyes. Letting the calming properties of the tea take affect on her.

Slowly, the (h/c)-nette could feel herself easing up.

Piere then made a mental note that she'll have to spend the whole day with someone he knew who could made her feel fully at ease and away from Ergi.

"Thank you for what you did today, your grace."

Rashta smiled and placed down a cup on tea in front of him before sitting back to her seat.

The table inside her room had lot of treats prepared by her chef— all of it was made in perfection from its appearance and to its taste.

The treats were all her favourite but she didn't prepared it for her, she prepared it for the man who had saved her from a nobleman's insult.

"There's no need to thank me. I simply taught a scoundrel some manners."

The concubine blushed, timidly looking down at the floor, "Well, I am grateful. You must've heard what he said earlier. I've been distressed lately because this false rumour about Rashta has been spreading."

Ergi leaned back on his seat, he placed his elbow on the armrest, using his hand to support his face.

"Does this kind of thing happen to you often?"


She didn't reply, and when she remained silent to him— he gritted his teeth and he slammed his fist on the armrest.

"Damn them all to hell."

He scowled, "They've got some nerve to say you're a slave to your face. And even if that were true, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that."

Rashta was left astounded by his words.

She had never seen a noble like him before, he was completely different. He was like a rough mercenary and a sophisticated noble at the same time.

And he didn't even care that she was a slave, and she already liked him for that.

"I should have given him more of a beating."

He clenched his fist and she lightly gasped at his statement.

"That sounds quite scary, your grace..."

The Duke sighed and he rubbed his eye, "I actually came here to meet a friend... But I'm glad I ran into you first."

"I doubt you would have been able to deal with that scoundrel properly if I hadn't been there. Though I'm sure my friend is throwing a fit right now because I'm late. He has quite the temper, you see."

Her dark doe like eyes stared at him in amazement, she was definitely going to make him her friend.

"Anyway, miss, let's make it so it doesn’t happen in the future. There's no way those ruffians will suddenly disappear."


"I suggest you deal with the problem as soon as possible."

Rashta stared at the ground, sadly.

"There's nothing I can do. Even though the man who started the rumour made it clear it wasn't true, nobody believes him."

"Then make someone else the target. That will be faster than trying to respond to the rumours."

Confused, she asked, "What do you mean?"

"You're currently everyone's number one target." He paused for a bit, lightly stabbing his fork on a piece of cake.




"So if you can get people talking about someone else, everyone will attack them instead."

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now