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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Her servants and ladies-in-waiting all rushed to get her— and everything else that is needed— all prepared for their departure.

(Y/n)'s outfit consists:

A pair of blue-silver coloured gauntlets. Each gauntlets had a wing design or feather wing like embossing with a light-blue lace protruding from the top near the elbow area.

Her top was a plain white, sleeveless shirt. Over it was a silver chestplate with a neck piece with armoured shoulder pads, and gold accents— decoration on the front and bottom of of the chestplate.

A silver armoured leggings with golden linings adorning it, paired with a dark blue hosiery with a cut-out pattern of swirls above her knees.

Her footwear was a pair of white heeled boots with a blue tip featuring intricate designs— white feathers vertically lining the top of it.

With an elegant white cape with golden accents and tassels draping on her shoulders. Her long (h/c) hair was merely tied up in a high ponytail, put together by her late mother's crystal like flowers hair comb accessory.

And inside her swords holster, was the legendary rapier that was passed down to every new generation of sovereign in their Empire.

It was rapier sword with a real diamond blade and an ornate golden hilt with a red gem in the center of it, its tassels dangled freely, tiny like crystal diamonds decorating it.

"Your majesty,"

Once she was done, her ladies-in-waiting then excused themselves out of the room after giving their respectful curtsy.

"Everything is fine and dandy. We are to move on your word."

(Y/n) stares at her appearance one last time, before facing and nodding her head at the Captain.

"Very good. We shall move now, let us not dawdle any longer."

He obediently agreed and escorted her out of her room and into the main palace's courtyard they went.

Where all her soldiers, servants and their needed necessities were waiting for her patiently.

"Have the General be noted of our departure now."

The Captain nodded and went on what he was told.

"Your majesty,"

"What is it?"

"Are you sure you do not wish for us to accompany you?"

Without hesitation, (Y/n) nodded, "Absolutely, I do not wish to pester my ladies-in-waiting for a short trip."

It wasn't completely a lie, she didn't informed them of the plan and thus why she doesn't want any of her ladies to tag along.

It would put them at risk and would probably slow them down.

"As you wish, your majesty."

Her lady-in-waiting didn't further question her decision and nodded in understanding.

"We're ready, your majesty."

"Then let's go."

(Y/n) approached her beautiful Friesian steed. Who neighed at her as acknowledgement.

"Been a while hasn't it, Orivia."

Her horse let out a soft snort and encourage her hand to continue to caress its snout. The Empress smiled and hummed.

Today will be the day that she will embarked an unforgettable name for herself.

A growing character development, if you will.

Slowly, she carefully sat herself properly on the creature, before tugging its reins moving forward.

"Don't burn the palace while I'm gone now."

"Oh please, you should be thankful that I'm the one who's going to be left behind."

Piere rolled his eyes while (Y/n) snickered at his expression, "Anyways, be careful on your trip now."

She chuckled, "I will, I will." Waving a hand in the air, playfully.

"I'm serious."

"No, you're Piere."

"Your majesty."

She laughed and she could've sworn her noble steed did as well.

"Don't worry, I know what happens if something were to happen to me."

She shrugged, "If something did were to happen, I supposed you'll make a great Emperor. Second to me, of course."


"Ah well~ Best to get going now. They're waiting for me."

She tugged on the reins and Orivia jogged towards the frontline, leaving a very fuming Duke behind.

"Your majesty."

Both men of high military rank, greeted. Nodding their heads whilst placing their fists on their chests.

"How is the Grand Duke doing?"

"His grace is doing fine, albeit it is obvious that they are anxious."

She hummed, "Well, I can't blame them, we are to start a war after all."

She silently murmured the last part of her statement, none but her secretary, foreign guests and men knew what was going to happen.

"Well then gentlemen, onwards we go."

And with that, they all started to marched forwards to the Kingdom of Rwipt.

"Safe travels, your majesty!"

"I pray you be well on your journey!"

"May the Gods bless you all!"

The Duke stared at the Empress' departing party, his hands tight closed into a fist.

'Come back in one piece, you idiot.'

3 months was not an easy journey, indeed. When they had approached the desert kingdom's lands, they were immediately greeted by the scorching temperatures.

And the fact that they were all wearing suits of armours was not helping them control their body sweats at all.

Even (Y/n), as unladylike as it was, she gave no mind to it and so did her men. But the sun's heat was slightly unbearable, so to speak.

"Your majesty,"

The Captain strode closer to her, "Perhaps it is best for you to rest in the wagon, you have not rest for quite a while."

The horse-drawn wagon was where the Grand foreign Duke and his liegemen were in, and they had not been out after they stepped on Rwipt's lands.

In fear that they might be caught.

(Y/n) sighed through her nose, it was indeed hot and it had been sometime now since she had last had a break.





"Alright, a little break wouldn't hurt."

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