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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Navier took out a pen and paper and wrote her reply:

"Then it is settled, "Queen" shall be now her name."


The bird let out a pleasing sound and stretched out its leg for her to tie her letter. She smiled and kissed the bird on its head.


It flinched a bit before she helped it fly out of her room. All alone once again, she was left to ponder her own thoughts.

'The New Year's celebration is just around the corner.'

She turned to look at a calendar on a nearby table, 'Some of the guests would start arriving early tomorrow at the palace…'

She then returned her gaze to where the bird once flew, "I wonder, would Queen's owner come tomorrow?"

Before long, the New Year's ceremony was slowly dawning upon them.

Lords and Ladies from different regions of the country had arrived as was announced by the servants.

As well as other distinguished guests from the neighboring countries.

The guests’ reception were divided for either the Empress, Sovieshu, or the foreign minister.

But most of the time, they went to Sovieshu.

Which was made a slight relief to Navier, as she and her husband could avoid seeing each other for the time being.

But alas, it didn't last long much to her dismay.

"Your majesty! Your majesty!"

Navier looked up from the paper she was holding and stared at the lady-in-waiting who was profusely calling her.


"She's here! Her majesty's here!"

The blonde rose a brow, "Do you mean her majesty, the Queen of the Western Kingdom?"

The lady-in-waiting shook her head, vigorously. "No, your majesty. I meant the Empress of the Nevivon Empire is here! Along with other sovereigns from other countries!"


Ah, her majesty, Empress (Y/n), now that's a face she hasn't seen in a long while.

Somehow, just the mere thought of her childhood friend made her feel a bit at ease from the stress she was feeling.

Navier rose up from her seat and patted any visible wrinkles on her dress, she nodded and smiled,

"Very well."

She marched through the bustling halls, as servants and esteemed nobles alike all bowed down at her presence whenever she walked passed them.

With her, giving them a small nod of acknowledgement in return.

She felt the slight feeling of excitement in each of her steps, she couldn't wait seeing her long time friend.

Once she was at her designated spot, she saw her husband, Sovieshu, and felt all the tension between what had happened with the two of them dawned upon her again.

Although upon close inspection, Sovieshu could be seen giving out a small smile, waiting patiently for their close friend.

"Your majesty."

Navier greeted, lifting her skirt up and doing a little curtsy. The ravennette was broke out from his thoughts and stared at his wife.

His expression turned impassive, and she could understand why.

Nonetheless, he greeted her back in return and merely gave out a small nod of acknowledgement.

Despite this, the blonde stood next to the Emperor and awaited for (Y/n).

"I wonder how she's doing..."

She blurted, a bit startled at her sudden statement.

"I've been wondering that myself."

He spoke, his eyes never leaving the gate that (Y/n) would soon enter.


Navier rose a brow, facing him with full curiousity. It was then the ravennette removed his eyes from where they were glued.

"I have been sending her letters to know about her well-being, but she has yet to send a reply."

She was about to ask a question at him, when the sound of clopping of hooves filled their auditory.

Both then immediately straightened their backs and face the line of carriages in front of them.

Soon enough, different high ranking nobles of different prestigious families slowly stepped out of their carriages.

Sovieshu couldn't help but took a small peek at each of their faces, hoping to spot one particular Empress.

"Are we there yet?"

(Y/n) giggled and shook her head, "Just a bit more, Heinley."

The said man pouted and continued to stare outside the window, and the (h/c)-nette found his behaviour adorable.

"Oh cheer up, darling. I'm sure we'll be there soon."

The Prince turned his gaze to her and smiled, "It's alright, I don't mind waiting for a long time as long as I'm with you."

He leaned in, close— she could've sworn she smelled her favourite flower's scent on him.

Both locked their gazes upon each other, internally, the blond's heart was rapidly beating, feeling his heart would soon burst out of his chest.

Silence filled the atmosphere but was soon disrupted with (Y/n)'s laughter.

"My, you're such a charmer."

"Only for you..."

He mumbled, slowly leaning away from her, his cheeks flushed a vague red hue.

She smiled and hummed, that was when she caught sight of something from her peripheral vision.

It was the Eastern Empire's signature gates.

"Oh! We're here!"

The Prince followed her gaze, disappointment consumed his whole mood. He wanted to spend a bit more time with her but time said otherwise.

Once their carriage finally entered the courtyard, the Western Prince was the first to step out.

And he chivalrously opened its door, offering his hand for her to take— to which she gratefully accepted.

"How chivalrous of you, your highness."

"For you, I shall be."

"Is that so? Well then, I feel honoured."

"I should be the one feeling honoured, your majesty." He chuckled.

(Y/n) smiled and her eyes roamed her surroundings, feeling a wave of nostalgia hit her.




"Now, this has indeed, been a while."

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