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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜


Heinley didn't even get to answer the question, when she suddenly moved his hair aside and crashed her lips on his forehead.

To say that his face didn't turn bright red, would be a lie.


Her lips had lingered for exactly twenty-six seconds when she finally pulled away from his and gaze at his face.


His face was very bright— up to his ears and he's head was still to figure out what was happening.

"Let's go, Heinley. I'll have a servant to clean this place up."

Seeing he was still in a dazed, (Y/n) suppressed a laugh and dragged him arm up.

"Come on, your highness. We have to go, it's getting late for you."

And so, she had dragged a stunned blonde Prince by herself. And once he had recovered his sense, he noticed that they were in her room's balcony.

"Wait— W...What...?"


Confused, he turned to her.

"I had fun today."

And she gave him a smile, that didn't made the red hue on his face go away.

"Y...You d-did...?"


The (h/c)-nette hummed in approval, "And thanks for that."

"You're...You're welcome, your majesty."

They both smiled at each other— until the Empress ushered him to return home.

"Well, what are you waiting for? It's starting to get late for you, your highness."

"Ah— yes, o-of course."

He was about to turn into his majestic bird form when—

"I, too, had fun today. I'll see you soon, my Empress."

"See you soon, Prince Heinley."

Inside her lavish bedroom, her ladies-in-waiting dutifully did their roles as they chatted with each other.

"Gosh! I can't believe his majesty!"

A ginger haired lady-in-waiting exclaimed, as she opened the curtains of the room.

"I agree...we should only have to wait upon her majesty..."

An older one said, carrying the cloths after doing her duty.

"It's so obvious that she's a runaway slave— Oh!"

The door opened suddenly, cutting off the ginger haired's statement.

After meeting and discussing with court officials all day, Navier returned to her room to ease herself for a bit.

But when she entered the room, she was then met with anxious expressions on her ladies-in-waiting.

"H-Hello, your majesty."

Navier nodded in greeting them back, as she proceeded to sat down on a chair next to the balcony's doors. Sipping on her tea that was prepared for her.

Strange, she thought.

They're seemingly quiet today.


"Is there something wrong, your majesty?"


She started, pausing as she drank her tea.

"Something happened while I was away?"

Looking at them, confusion was evident in her eyes. One of the ladies-in-waiting then bursted an answer.

"Yes! And it's a very big deal!"

"Well! His majesty brought back some filthy girl back with him from his hunting trip."

The ginger haired, Laura, added, clearly not amused with what she had heard. Her two ladies-in-waiting began to chatter as she intently listened to the both of them.

"I suppose her took a liking to her because had us wash that unkempt little thing."

The older one, Countess Eliza, stated, whilst brushing the silky, long, blonde hair of the Empress.

"And here I've never even used my own hands to wash myself. It was absolutely shocking!"

"A complete shock! We only wet our hands for you, your majesty!"

As she listened to their complaints and rambles, Navier found herself questioning on why he would dare to asked her ladies-in-waiting—

Who were all the daughters and wives of high ranking nobles.

And the strangest of it all was that, the Emperor knew the honour of the Empress' ladies-in-waiting better than anyone.

And yet, why?

As the blonde was lost in thought, Laura's peculiar words snapped her back from reality.

"Oh! Even in her squalor, she was a considerable beauty."

"Her beauty was second only to the Duchess Tuania, who is known to be the most beautiful in all of the Duchesses."

"—But of course, her beauty couldn't possibly compare to yours, your majesty!"

Laura brightly smiled and complimented, earning a small smile from the blonde.

Duchess Tuania was very well known to be the most beautiful woman in society, despite being at the age of forty.

And now, a woman that happened to pop-out out of nowhere, suddenly had the comparable to the Duchess?

Even her own ladies-in-waiting thought of it that way?

It would have seemed that the Emperor merely did not save a random girl from his hunting trip, but also a girl who was as pretty as a picture.

" did seem as if his majesty had taken a considerable liking to the girl."

Navier paused at drinking her tea, "His majesty did?"

"He was absolutely frantic as he asked her things like,"

"How did you get hurt?"

"Why are you so thin?"

"You look so pale."

The Empress thought for a moment before going back to enjoying her tea.

"I don't see anything wrong with that."

But her ladies-in-waiting says otherwise.

"You're being too naïve, your majesty! It was so obvious that there was something between them...ugh!"

Laura fumed and Countess Eliza tried to calm her down.

"Is that so...?"

"It's true there was a distinct change in his air and manner. And we only tell you this because we're always looking out for you, your majesty. But it would be a relief if we were concerned over nothing."

"I see..."

Even if their words are true...

"Shall we gather some information about her?"

What could she possibly do?

"No, but I appreciate it just the same.

Giving them a reassuring smile, but ironically, she something told her that nothing was quite reassuring about it.

"I'm sure he only brought her,"




"Because he is a compassionate person."

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now