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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

The servant greeted and soon, she was escorted to her room.

Once inside, her (e/c) eyes immediately scanned the room. It was a fairly large room, fit for a royalty.

The curtains, the carpet and the bed's drapes were all of satin gold. With red and silver linings adorning it.

It was a nice room, too bad she wasn't really focusing on the room's interiors right now.

"Thank you."

The servant bowed her head and was about to leave, when (Y/n) told her to stay.

"Is there anything else you need, your majesty?"


"I'll see your request, your majesty."

"Have my horse, my beautiful Friesian Orivia, be fed with 2 stacks of hay and be sure to feed it also with salt and minerals."

"Of course, your majesty. Anything else?"

"That'll be all."

The servant then left and (Y/n) was all alone in the room with her thoughts.

"It's kinda boring without him here."

She wonder how he was doing, surely he can maintain the whole palace well all by himself. The thought of it burning down to ashes made her suppressed a laugh.

"Such a sight would be interesting."

Since she had no ladies-in-waiting with her, (Y/n) had to do things herself, not that she didn't knew how.

Just as she was about walk towards the vanity— six soft knocks on the door earned her attention.

2 seconds of silence and a final knock emitted, before going completely silent. The sound of a person's footsteps, fading away from the door.

The Empress couldn't help but smirk and let out a sinister giggle, "Well done."

Evening came and (Y/n) was invited to have dinner with the Prince, she was reluctant but she remembered what she had signed up for.

She was escorted by servants, who led her to the lavish dining area, where the Prince was waiting for her.

"Welcome, your imperial Empress."

He greeted, taking her hand and kissing, with her grimacing as he did so.

"Thank you for your hospitality, my Prince."

Those words were hard to emit, but she forced herself and yanked her hand off his chapped disgusting lips.

Which made him assumed that she was playing hard to get.

"Oh, I see."

He mumbled, smiling at her and pulled out her chair which she pretended to be grateful and sat.

"So, his highness' coronation is tomorrow. Thrilling, isn't it?"

The Empress picked up the appropriate flatware and she was poise as she was dining.

She ate tiny chunks of her food, not really having the appetite nor was she hungry.

"Yes, of course! For tomorrow I shall no longer be a Prince, but a King!"

He joyous yelled, it would be a lie if she were to say she didn't flinched from that. Inwardly, she scoffed and rolled her eyes.

We'll see about that.

(Y/n) giggled and smiled, "How exciting." Ugh, if only she could end him right then and there, she wouldn't have to suffer from this.

'I could be in my palace right now, sending letters to my Navier and that bird.'

She let out a sigh and the Prince noticed it, "Is something wrong, your majesty?" He asked.

"Yes, there is."

"Care to tell?"

Her (e/c) eyes stared, unknowing that it held malice within them. The fact that he can't die right now, that's what's wrong.

"It's just that..."

'Your entire being makes me sick.'

"After your coronation, I'll have to leave this place immediately, for I have things to do back home."

"Oh, your majesty."

The Prince stopped eating and stood up from his seat and sat next to her. His hand on her waist and the other was rubbing circles around her back.


The way how his hand still lingered from waist— she hated it. She so badly wanted to cut it off and feed it to him—

Oh my—

What such thoughts she was thinking, perhaps this was a common trait amongst the (L/n) bloodline.

But it was only a matter of time, when he'll be dead soon.

Lo and behold, the time finally came for the coronation of the Prince. The Empress left a few of her army of men at the Rwipt palace.

While the Captain and her General went along with her to the cathedral.

"I see no reason to decline such offer."

Sir Lémieux stated, refering to the offer Kaufman and his men presented months ago, whilst riding his war horse at a steady pace.

"But of course, one could not easily tell what her majesty is thinking."

"Oh you flatter me, Captain."

She didn't even try to hide anymore, she couldn't contain it anymore. Today was the day, her ear-to-ear grin says it all.

"You seem all the more excited, your majesty."

The General teased, he knew that grin better than anyone— well, maybe also Piere, but he wasn't here at the moment.




"Oh, I am."

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now