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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

(Y/n) finally arrived at the gates of her palace, her open carriage was full of gifts from her people when she toured the whole Empire.

She grabbed the holy scepter and the orb as a footman opened the door for her. Gladly she stepped down and thanked the man.

She could feel her bum feeling sore from sitting all day. Sir Lémieux and a lady-in-waiting then approached her and gave her a courteous bow.

"Your majesty."

(Y/n) nodded and she was escorted by the imperial knight and the lady-in-waiting to her imperial bedroom.

As soon they arrived at her chambers, the imperial knight stood guard by the door and (Y/n) proceeded to her room, with the lady-in-waiting trailing behind her.

The doors to her room opened and everyone of her ladies-in-waiting are already inside the room.

They quickly approached her and Duchess Maya took the holy scepter and the orb and carefully placed it on a cushion.

(Y/n) collapsed on the sofa and everyone rushed to her side.

"Your majesty!"

"Your majesty, are you alright?"

"Do you need anything, your majesty?"

"Shall I call the royal physician?"

The (h/c)-nette rubbed her temples and the Duchess quickly shushed everyone in the room.

"No, no need."

She dismissed the idea of having to call a doctor to treat her mere exhaustion.

"I need a glass of water please."

A lady-in-waiting then rushed to fetch her a glass of water to drink and replenish her thirst.

"Anything else, your majesty?"

She stared at them for a moment before stating, "I also need something sweet."

She smiled and everyone sweatdropped, but nonetheless some of the ladies went to get her some sweets.

(Y/n) heaved out a heavy sighed, the soreness and stress were slowly crawling inside her.

"That was quite a sigh, your majesty."

The Duchess stood by her side and examined the state of the Empress, "I can tell your tour was quite the venture."

"Indeed it was."

The ladies-in-waiting gave her a sympathetic look, she was merely at the age of 17 and she was already renowned as the Empress of Nevivon.

All the burden and responsibilities are now directed towards her.

(Y/n) blinked once then twice, then that's when she realized that her ladies-in-waiting were already dolled up for the celebration.

They would need to leave her after they have retouched her image.

Soon, a lady-in-waiting gave her some water and the other ladies-in-waiting arrived with some sweets for her.

"Would that be all, your majesty?"

She nodded and stood up, her ladies-in-waiting then went on to fix her cumbersome gown and cape.

(Y/n) placed down the Imperial Crown down on her vanity as she sat there eating the sweets while the ladies peppered up her features.

As she munched on the brownies she was given, her free hand played with the tiny sparkling gems on the crown.

Moments later, the ladies-in-waiting were finished and they were dismissed by (Y/n) for some of them were now eager to enjoy the party below.

She was left alone in her room, awaiting for Piere to come and escort her for the celebration. On cue, there was a knock on the door.

The door opened revealing her secretary and a priest.

She stood up and fixed her dress, Piere and the priest both gave her a courteous bow.

"Greetings, Empress."

She nodded, she grabbed the holy scepter and gave the orb to the priest. That was merely his main reason why he was here.

He bowed and carefully took it from her and quickly left the room. Her secretary scanned her room and noticed something to which he sighed.

"You couldn't wait for the cake, could you?"

(Y/n) huffed, "I deserved it."

Her reply made him inwardly rolled his eyes, although she deserved it, she still needs to minimize eating sweets or—

"You'll get fat."

(Y/n) chuckled and smiled, "You best better be careful with your words now. Don't forget I'm no longer a Crown Princess."

He fought back a smile and merely shrugged as he offered her his arm, "And yet here I am, still breathing."

She shook her head and took his arm, she playfully waved the holy scepter as if it was a wand.




"You've got a point."

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now