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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

She chuckled, "To think that they would send a very intelligent bird like you, then have asked me if I know them and to merely give me a very unclear hint of who they are."

She playfully scoffed, "Perhaps I had humoured them too much?"

"Coo! Coo!"

"Oh? What is it?"


The bird vigorously shook its head, disagreeing with the (h/c)-nette's words. But she couldn't understand what it was saying.

She took a piece of parchment and quickly scribbled down her reply. Tying her letter to the bird and kissed it goodbye.

"Do you know them?"

(Y/n) shook her head, "Piere,"

The Duke rose a brow, but let her continue, "If I were to appoint a consort, who do you have in mind?"

"As of now, I could not think of anyone, your majesty."

He then asked, "Who do you have in mind?"

"I think it's time we finally permanent our state of long line of alliance through a marriage proposal."

"With whom?"

(Y/n) turned to face her most trusted secretary and smile ear-to-ear at him.

"Prince Heinley of the Western Kingdom."

The said Prince jolted in response, his blue haired cousin managed to broke him out of his daydream.

"What is it?"

"Isn't time to make a name for yourself?"

He sighed and stared at him, "And for crying out loud! Put some clothes on!"

The Prince took a notice, that he was still bare— standing in all of his glory in front of the bluenette.

But he paid no heed and just smiled at the letter in his hands.

The letter reads:

"I'm doing well, thank you for asking. However, I do feel somewhat dejected to know how you've been feeling. I may not relate to it as you may see, but I hope you'll own your own limelight soon. As for your question; I do not know who you are, and the fact that, you only wrote a vague clue, doesn't seem to help. But fret not, I shall soon find out who you are, stranger. P.S. Does your bird already have a name?"

He smiled and his heart felt warm, knowing that she may not know who he is, she stated that she will find out him soon.

He laughed and a faint red hue danced on his cheeks. His bastard cousin, who was watching him the whole time, stared at him questioningly.

"He finally lost his mind."

"Oh it's not like that, McKenna."

"Then what?"

McKenna asked as he approached the Prince with a white dress shirt. Heinley easily slipped his arm on one of the sleeve and on to the other.

"It's nothing."

He shook his head and placed to the letter on to a nearby table in his room to put on a black overcoat, his cousin gave him.

"You and your weird fantasies..."

The bluenette sighed and decided to drop the subject, they have other matters to tend too.

"Finish up dressing, your highness. We shall be meeting up with the King and his Queen in the great hall."

Heinley nodded, his brother, the King, had mentioned earlier that he would wish to discuss something to him.

He merely assumed that they would be discussing about the recent plans and stuff.

"Very well, let's go."

In his mind though, the thoughts of Nevivon's Empress still swirled within his mind, causing him to either smile and giggle.

McKenna, by his side, internally thought that their Prince was mentally ill.

The Crown Prince and his mother, the Empress, stood by the dying Emperor's side. His mother clutching her husband's hand.

"How is his condition, doctor?"

Navier, who watched the disheartening scene, turned face and asked the royal physician of the Emperor's health conditions.

"I'm afraid he does have not much time left."

He replied, sadly. The Empress wept even more, despite the hardships she had to endure because of her husband, she still, very much, love him so.

And to see both his mother and father in such a state, he felt his heart slowly breaking as he silently let life do as it please.


"I'm here, father."

As his mother had done, he too, took a hold of his father's other hand. Feeling his warmth slowly vanishing.

"...lead..t..this..empire with g-greatness...Navier..."

"Yes, your majesty?"

She approached them and stood by her soon-to-be husband's side. Awaiting for what their dying Emperor has to say.

"T-Take care of my...son."

"Of course, your majesty."

His sunken eyes, slowly averted itself to the eyes of his Empress, he wanted to wipe those tears of hers, but alas, he was to weak to move his limbs.




The Emperor didn't even get to finish his last words as his life was finally taken away from him.

His mother then bursted out, crying and begging for him to come back. Sovieshu could feel his heart shatter into pieces.

Despite what his father had done to his mother, she still clung on to him and lovingly call out his name.

Both him and Navier stepped away from his father's corpse, his mother would refuse to let go.

Thus, her ladies-in-waiting and their knights, carefully pried her away from now the late Emperor's body.

As she continued to struggle against their grips, forcing them to escort her out of the room.

The Empress' screaming and crying out mournful sounds would further saddened the future monarch.





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