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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Once they were out of sight, he let out an irritated and a tired sigh.

"I honestly can't with you."

"You only let me talk to her for a few minutes."

"You shouldn't be even talking with her!"

This man was an atom close on to hitting the blond, "You've made a name for yourself remember? You're basically renowned as a womaniser to everyone and for you to be seen with her majesty like that, people will misunderstood things!"

He was mad, fuming mad. Clouds of smoke started appear on his head—


McKenna choked out a gasped, "S-So...?"

"What do you mean 'so'?!"

He stomped his foot down and yelled, "If you and the Empress are to be seen together, you'll be tarnishing her reputation due to that ridiculous rumours you started!"

Gosh, he was loud. So loud that Heinley had to cover his ears when his secretary neared his booming voice to his ear.

"Geez, tone it down, will you?"

It was the blond's turn to sigh, "And besides, only a fool would dare start a rumour about an Empress from a very powerful country."

"Those people exist, your highness. The ones who loves to gossip and her enemies."

He shrugged, "Then, they might as well have to face me. After all, I am the next in line on the throne."

Although, McKenna does have a point. Perhaps it was best to distance themselves for awhile.

Well, at least he can still hang out with her without having anyone around.

Slowly the double doors opened, and everyone let out a breath of awe.

A figure dressed in the most finest and expensive of clothes, entered the ballroom and finally made her appearance.

Gasps and words of greetings then filled the room as a sea of people then began to surround her.

"Your majesty! It is an honour!"

"That's her, the one I've been talking to you about."

"She was raised by the late Emperor and has earned both titles of sovereignty."

Rashta couldn't believe her eyes.

She had to pinched herself twice to indicate that she wasn't dreaming.

And that thought made her wished she was.

The woman in front of her was none other than the same woman who her maids told her about.

The same woman who everyone had greatly admired, and the same woman who had been seeing her lover behind her back.

Her eyes widened and she brought her hands closely to her chest, her form was quivering, again.

It felt like the room was closing in on her.

She couldn't breathe.

She bit her lip and tried to calm herself down, it's alright, she repeated. And that's when a sudden thought if hers made her nerves ease, for a bit.

'If she's the Empress of this Nevivon Empire they call...then, her meeting with his majesty must merely be a political one!'

But her then mind remembered what her maid had said.

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now