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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Her face turned very red and she quickly looked away so that the blonde couldn't see it.

Navier let out a chuckle at her funny behaviour and it was absolute music to her ears.

Her quarrel with her husband was really serious— despite the topic being so trivial— so hearing her laugh was a relief.

"A-Anything for you..."

She cursed herself for stuttering but it only made the blonde smile even more.

God, doesn't she look heavenly.

This woman was making her go crazy and she doesn't even know it.

She then coughed on her fist and tried to calm her flustered self down, "Oh— would you look at the time!"

"I'll escort you to your room."

"You don't have to, your majesty."

She shook her head, "No, I insist."

The Eastern Empress nodded her head and allowed her friend to escort her back to her room.


"Weren't you working to rebuild your reputation?"

McKenna's face was straight and yet it seemed like he was mad, very mad. Heinley walked the south palace's hallways quietly as his secretary began to nagged at him.

"Is this what 'rebuild' means to you? Just do as you've always done. Use covert, not overt tactics."

His nagging became worse when they arrived at the Prince's room. "I know her majesty, the Nevivon Empress told you to start a distraction but she didn't told you to be so overt with the Eastern Emperor."

"Why make things difficult for yourself? All our spying will have been for nothing with you being so obvious, your highness."

Prince Heinley continued to ignore him and he pulled up a chair. McKenna rose a brow at him.

"What are you going to do with the chair? Are you going to hit me?"

The blond male rolled his eyes and told his cousin to sit down. The latter did what he was told, then Heinley touched the bluenette's forehead and he forced his magic into him.

A bright light and a cloud smoke emitted from his hand, and with a cry, the blue haired knight changed into a blue bird.

His clothes tumbled down to the ground and his eyes widened, "Squawk!"

The Prince approached his desk and took a piece of paper, writing down his message and returned back to the blue creature.

"Her majesty might hate me after this but,"

He then began to tie his letter on to McKenna's bird leg.

"Send this to Ergi."


He lifted his cousin up and smiled, "I promise to stay out of trouble. So go give it to him."

"It's a covert tactic, just as you wish."

They finally arrived at the Eastern Empress' room, (Y/n) did her absolute best to make the blonde forgot about her husband for a bit and she was eternally grateful for that.

They both paused at her door and their idle chatter ceased.

"Well, I suppose I'll see you tomorrow, your majesty."

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now