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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Heinley scoffed, "Do you want me to show courtesy to someone who tried to deceive me? Who accused me of being a liar?"


McKenna wanted to retort something at him but got nothing, instead he sighed, "I take your point."

"Anyway, when is Ergi coming? Did you deliver my letter to him safely?"

The bluenette nodded, "I delivered it properly. But why did you call him all of a sudden? I'm pretty sure Empress (Y/n) wont be so happy when she meets him."

It was then, the blond's stern face turned sad as he knew what type of relationship the (h/c) haired woman had with his friend.

"She might hate me for it, but he needs to be a part of this. The three of us share the same goal."

After working for hours, (Y/n) let out a sneeze, earning a concerned gaze from the Eastern Emperor.

She quickly waved him off, saying she was alright but he wasn't convinced.

"How about we take a break?"

"It's fine, really. I'm alright."

"I'll have the servants prepare your favourite desserts."


"Fine." The foreign Empress gave in, looks like he threw the sweets card. One that (Y/n) couldn't simply resist.

Sovieshu smiled and chuckled, knowing he had managed to tempt her with his offer.


She stood up from her seat and smiled mischievously at him, "I have a better idea."


She looked around and saw that it was just the two of them alone in his office, she reached out a hand for him to take as she grinned.

"Let's take a break, just like you said. And I have the perfect place where we could rest."

He stared up at her in puzzlement, but he soon shook his head and playfully scoffed, "I don't mind getting in trouble for a bit."

She gave him a toothy close-eyed smile and he gently held her hand, she pulled him towards her and began to drag him out of the room.

Looking both from left to right, making sure the coast was clear before running away down the hallways.

Sovieshu couldn't help but laugh, he felt like they were children again. He could still vividly remember how (Y/n) would run away from her tutors just to play outside and sometimes she would dragged the ravennette with her.

They both giggled like children but they made sure to keep their voices low. His secretaries would definitely scold them for neglecting their duties.

But the Emperor couldn't give a damn about that, to him, (Y/n) comes first.

Moments later they both arrived at where the Nevivon Empress was leading them, he didn't noticed it first— because he was too distracted by her and when he was brought back to his senses.

He realized they were in—

"The dueling grounds?"

His eyes showed an obvious confusing look in them. She merely shrugged before tossing him a sheathed sword.

Which he clumsily caught, he was certainly caught off guard by that.

"I thought we were supposed to take a break?"

"I saw how your stance was off when you raise your sword on the Western Prince. I thought you might need to fix that."

She grinned at him but the tone of her voice didn't matched her playful aura, "No Emperor would point a sword to his enemy with that kind of stance, unless he prepares himself for death."

She unsheathed her sword and she positioned her body in a fighting stance.

She held the grip of the sword close to her chest, the sharp end of the sword was pointed upwards before twirling it downwards.

"So, how about it?"

He'll admit, it has been a while since he had last held a sword and he was definitely a bit rusty.

He sighed and he then stood at the center of the circle, nodding, "Very well." Slowly beginning to unsheathed his blade.

"En garde!"

But before he could even throw the sheath, (Y/n) already yelled and started to lunge at him, and their duel had already begun.

Surprised, he quickly tossed it and he barely managed to block her attack. She chuckled at his lagging speed and she swung her sword again.

His feet would take a step back whenever she would swing her sword with great force, making him move backwards.

He glanced behind him and saw that he was almost out of the line, a single step back and he would surely lose the duel.


(Y/n) raised her sword and the moment their blades collide, a loud sound of clang echoed throughout the place and sparks would fly out from it.

"This brings memories, doesn't it?"

"It does."

Sovieshu managed to stand his ground and he forcefully pushed the (h/c)-nette back with his steel.

He was successful and he took the opportunity to swing his sword, his pose was an aim to cut her in half.

Luckily, she was quick on her feet and dodged instinctively, and did a counter attack.

"You're open, Sovieshu!"

She exclaimed, giving the ravennette a chance to parry her blow.

"Good job."

Their faces were close as was their swords, as she smiled at him for hindering her attack.


He pushed her off him and he lifted his blade to strike her down. But due to (Y/n)'s quick moves and great strength, she blocked his move with her steel and she held his blade in place.

Seeing how he was focusing on his struggles, she took the chance and she lifted her feet as she kicked him, also knocking his weapon out of his hands in the process.

She didn't kicked that him hard though, but it was enough to make him stumble back and fall on to the ground.


He wasn't expecting such a move from her and his sword landed a few meters away from him and the sword had pierced the ground.

The Emperor groaned, seeing (Y/n) pointing her the tip of her blade at his neck. Although, he had failed to notice the odd glint in her eyes.

"I win."

He chuckled and raised his hands in defeat, "And I lost. You have beaten me again, (N/n)."

The (h/c)-nette playfully scoffed, "Naturally."

She moved her sword away from his neck, reaching out a hand to help him get back on his feet—




"Your majesty?!"

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