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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

As expected, nothing good comes out whenever Sovieshu would randomly summon her.

"...You truly are cold-hearted."

She recalled seeing him giving her an disapproving look.

"A woman who has been living in poverty her whole life now wants to stand straight, and you don't want to see it? You don't want to be tarnished? The Empress is a horrible woman."

Navier halted in he tracks, she was swaying a bit and she pressed a hand on the hand next to her to steady her movements.

All this fighting with her husband was taking a toll on her.

'He doesn't believe anything I say anymore.'

(Y/n) was currently walking around the Eastern palace, she wanted to have a talk with the Emperor about their what had happened at the party yesterday but she came across the blonde.


She slowly approached her with a smile on her face but that smile soon dropped when she noticed that the Eastern Empress had a dull expression.

"My Queen."

Navi turned to look who had called her and was met with the (h/c)-nette.

"Empress (Y/n), are you taking a walk?"

The said woman merely smiled at her sadly, she eyed her closely and it made the blonde a bit conscious.

It was fortunate that she didn't shed a tear, her Empress friend smiled softly at her.

"Sorry. I’m not presentable."

(Y/n) shook her head, "No, you look beautiful as always, Navi."

Her tone wasn't the usual teasing and cherry sounding one, but it was instead soft and flat.

The Nevivon Empress pressed her lips and spoke again, "Did your husband insult you again?"


"If only...hmm...how can I cheer you up?"

She heard the (h/c)-nette sigh and murmured something underneath her breath. She rose a brow at her and was about to question her about what she was murmuring.

(Y/n) suddenly jumped— which startled the blonde— her face was flushed and she started to look a bit hesitant.

Why was she shy all of a sudden?

"Ah... Should I send Queen to you?"

Her ears then perked up at the mention of her bird friend's name.

"That would be lovely. Where is she?"

"I will return to my room and send her to you."

Sovieshu can wait— their little meeting can be done anytime, anyway. Navier smiled and said, "Then shall we go together? I'd like to ask you some questions about her."


Her words caught the foreign Empress by surprise, and her (e/c) eyes frantically darted around the halls.

The blonde gave her a concerned look.

"Empress (Y/n)?"

"A-Ah, Queen's busy right now— No, I mean, Queen's quite shy. She's bashful whenever there are two or more people in the room with her."

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