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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Silence filled the atmosphere, as (Y/n) awaited for him to answer. Her body was bend over slightly and she cutely tilted her head at him, her hands were behind her back.

Her lips were in a straight line but there was a smirk hiding behind it and her eyes had an odd glint to them.

She observed they way his body froze up at her question, just like what she had predicted.

"I'm not against if you bring her along..."

She feigned a soft look, "But I don't think I could say the same for Navi."

Sovieshu nodded his head slowly, "You're right about that." He smiled sadly, "I don't think she likes her."

'Well, duh.'

She internally rolled her eyes. Couldn't he see that having a mistress was so shameful?

Oh— wait, he does.

But he decided to push pass that shame and go on with it anyway.


He cleared his throat, "Must you skip your work today? You've barely finished the first batch of documents last time."

(Y/n) shrugged, "I mean I have Piere to do most of my works for me. And I didn't really like sitting for a long time, it's aching."

Then a teasing remark popped up in her head, "Do you really like me that much that my absence bothers you?"

His cheeks flared and he turned his face away from her gaze.




He swallowed the lump in his throat, his heart was thumping loudly inside his chest and the (h/c)-nette decided to tease him further.

"If you keep needing my presence like that, I might have to think that you prefer my company over your mistress."

She grimaced at the word 'mistress' but luckily Sovieshu was too busy being flustered to notice it.

She moved closer to him and she leaned close to his ear.

"Pray tell, do you like me more than any of your women, So-vie-shu~?"

By now, his face was redder than a tomato. His lips pressed and his mind was black. He didn't know what to say, did she knew how he feels towards her?

Was he that obvious?

He could feel himself sweating, the fact that his body was liking the way her voice made him shiver, his heart couldn't take it.

The butterflies in his stomach wasn't helping him calm down either.

The Nevivon Empress suddenly let out a hearty laugh— startling him but it made him go into a daze even more, as her laugh sounded heavenly in his ears.

"Your face is so red!"

She exclaimed as she clutched her stomach, pointing her index finger to his face that could put the tomatoes to shame.

"Haha! Your...y-your...!"

She was having a bit of difficulty of speaking as her laughter was more dominant than her words.

The ravennette tried to cover his face and groaned, his eyes stared at anything but hers.

He was too embarrassed to meet her gaze.

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