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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Ergi wasn't affected by her words and trudged behind her, a genuine smile danced on his lips.

"I'm happy to see you, your majesty."

"I'm not."

"We should catch up on the times we've missed, yes?"


"How about a little pinic next to a river?"

"I'll drown you in that river, if you keep on following me."

And he kept on following her, not even caring that she meant every word she said.

She clenched her fist and she kept on walking back to the South Palace, trying to control herself around the dirty blond man.

"Why are you so cruel~?"

"Why are you so annoying?"

(Y/n) groaned and her once apathetic look was replaced with an irritated one, and the reason for that was— you know who.

"Just go die in a ditch somewhere."

"I'd rather die by your hands, your majesty~"

"I hate you."

"I love you."

A loud sound banging sound echoed in the hallways— (Y/n) slammed her hand on a wall and next to Ergi's face.

She roughly pushed the Duke up against the wall and her sharp (e/c) eyes pierced into his soul.

"If you got nothing better to do, then I suggest you stop pestering me before I'll do something to you that I might never regret."

Although their position was a bit awkward if someone where to come and see them, as Duke Ergi was taller than her.

But that doesn't stop her from confronting him.

The blond's once carefree face changed into a more flustered one. He stared at her with a timid look and he pressed his lips.

Their faces were so close!

He blushed at how her eyes were basically piercing his soul and how it made his heart thumped widly in his chest.

He felt like fainting just being this close to her.

"What if I want you to do something to me?"


Her expression didn't faltered the least bit, no matter how many times he said those lovesick words to her— her anger will never be soothe.

His stared at her with a straight look, but it wavered and the red hue on his cheeks weren't disappearing.

"You never change, do you?"

She spat, there was an obvious tone of venom in her voice. She stepped away from him as she continued to walk back towards her room.

"Fuck off and leave me alone, will you?"

But of course—

He didn't do what she told him to.

"No can do~"

That stupid signature smile of his returned on to his face, "I already vowed myself to you and I don't plan on taking it back anytime soon."

"Why are you here? You didn't attend the New Year's ceremony, last time I checked."

"Heinley told me to come here."

She paused, "Heinley?"

He nodded, "He told that a door of opportunity is waiting for me here and I plan on not wasting it."

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now