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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Warmth filled the whole room, everyone was enjoying and drinking to their heart's content.

Some were also conversing about gossips, politics and any other topic they could come up with.

Standing away from the crowd, next to a wall was a young man freshly bloomed of the age of 17, quietly sipping the beverage he was holding as to not draw any attention to himself.

His eyes were drawn to the female sovereign sitting on her throne, although his distance was far from her, he could sense the newly crowned Empress was not so having the time of her life despite being just coronated a few hours ago.

A smirk appeared on his gentle features, "How beautiful she has grown indeed."

(Y/n) sat on her throne, her eyes were looking all around the room to find something that could draw her attention, but alas, everything was merely the same.

She could swear that she felt someone watching her, but due to the large amount of people, she couldn't distinguished who.

These fake smiles, fake talk and fake courtesy were all around but she wasn't bothered the slightest. She grew getting used to it, due to her upbringing.

She held back a sigh, she too was faking a facade. She is however, the new ruler of the mighty Nevivon Empire.

"Your majesty."

(Y/n) broke out of her thoughts and stared at the kneeling man in front of her. She smiled and nodded at him to continue.

"It would be an honour to grant you your first dance as Empress of our mighty Empire,"

He looked up at her and smiled, "May I have this dance?"

The Duke stretches out his hand for her take, if she were to allow him on such requests. Usually, a new ruler would be coronated alongside their spouse and together they would initiate the first dance.

If the monarch doesn't have a spouse, others would let a family member take their first dance as a newly coronated sovereign, in which case, like (Y/n).

She stood up and the Duke followed her actions and his hand was still stretched out to her in which she took.

"You may, Duke Caldwell." She smiled, genuinely.

Everyone halted their actions and their eyes were glued on the pair as they both walked down on a few steps of stairs. They both reach the bottom and walked towards the center of the room.

The music then began, Piere grabbed her hand firmly and together they gracefully waltz their way around the room.

Their feet skillfully shuffled to the slow yet rhythmical music, her dress flowed elegantly as her body swayed to the melodious song.

"I guess you were paying attention during dance class."

Piere chuckled, (Y/n) merely shrugged and gave a small smile.

"You might've nagged me too much to the point that I did."

"Haha very funny."

Her secretary rolled his eyes and spun her around, as she did so, one young man from the crowd couldn't help but feel awestruck.

In his eyes, (Y/n) was scintillating.

He sucked up a breath and tried to hide the red hue on his fair cheeks.

"(Y/n) looks so beautiful..."

Sovieshu turned to face the blonde as she was staring at the dancing duo, she too was filled with awe. He followed her gaze and nodded, "Very."

Navier smiled and waved a hand when she caught the eyes of the (h/c)-nette. Sovieshu noticed them and merely sipped the champagne he was holding.




"Beautiful she is."

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