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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Once Piere was no longer within Ergi's sights, he let out a sigh.

He was sure to not tell his Empress of his encounter with the Blue Bohean Duke. Because if he did, Gods know what will happen.

He then continued his way towards the South Palace. He knew (Y/n) should be there the whole day and merely waste the day by sleeping or reading.

But to his surprise as he reached the main doors of her room— he saw her just about to go in— mid reaching out to the door knob.



"Kindly explain to me, where have you been?"

Her secretary was the first to break the silence and he had a not-so-amused expression on his face.

"Um, I was going out for a walk—? Yeah, that's definitely it."


Why does it feel like that's not the honest answer he's looking for?

He sighed and decided to just dropped it. "Wherever you went, I just hope you didn't cause any trouble."

"I definitely didn't, don't worry." The Empress smile sheepishly and playfully waved her hand reassuringly.

His face was blank seeing her response, "Mm, how reassuring."

Both then proceeded to enter her majesty's chambers to discuss what had occurred during the conclave Piere participated.

Leaving out the part where he encountered that bothersome Blue Bohean Duke.

"So, what shall be made for tomorrow?"

(Y/n) walked towards the window close to her and opened it. Instantly, she was met by the refreshing feeling of the winds blowing past her.

"What's on my schedule?"

"You're free tomorrow, but the next day after that— you shall be attending Duchess Tuania's tea party."

Her ears perked up and a smile grazed her face. "I can't wait."

The long awaited day of Duchess Tuania's tea party soon finally arrived.

The sounds of gentle water echoed inside the bathroom. In preparation for the event, (Y/n) was getting herself prepped up by her ladies-in-waiting.

They scrubbed and rinsed her clean. They then dressed her in a simple but pretty dress.

"Since this tea party isn't all that much of a lot-of-people party, we shall simply dressed you in a simple gown yet it is enough to make people know you're an Empress."

Duchess Maya spoke as she help her adjust her clothes.

(Y/n) was dressed in a white long sleeve checkered blouse with a low collar— overlayered by dark blue a sleeveless dress that a white ruffles at its chest and at the hem of its skirt. The Duchess also added a long white ribbon with blue linings wrapped around her waist making it a belt.

Her (h/c) hair was then done in a low braided bun, letting a few strands of hair hang loosely to frame her sovereign face.

Once done, the ladies-in-waiting dismissed themselves and in came her cousin.

"Hm, surely Empress Navier would be smitten with how you look by now." He commented.

"I've been doing so for a long time now, and I highly doubt mere looks would make her be enamored of me."

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