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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜


(Y/n) woke up extra early and went to deliver a letter for Navier. After that, she was then dressed and bathed by her ladies-in-waiting, and she then went straight to the meeting— after having breakfast, of course.

You should never skip the most important meal of the day.

She arrived and saw Kaufman sitting leisurely on a chair, his eyes were staring at the window.

"Wow, you're early."

He looked away from the window's view and his gaze was locked with (Y/n)'s.

She grinned at him and proceeded to sit across him. "How are you today, old man?"

"I'm doing fine, your majesty. How about you?"


The albino rose a brow at her answer, but she waved him off— indicating that she wouldn't further explain it.

He didn't question her further and stayed silent. It was a comfortable one, the Nevivon Empress leaned back against her chair and glanced at the window.

Kaufman would sometimes dart his sepia coloured eyes at her, and he would blush lightly whenever she caught him stealing glances at her.

That was when he cleared his throat.

"I know how feel about her."


"I may not be able to read your mind, but I have observed how you act around her."

She nonchalantly stared at him, knowing full well what and who he was talking, "And it looks you're gonna ask something that you already know the answer to."

He stared at her directly in the eyes with a straight face and spoke.

"Do you love her?"

She let out a hum and titled her head, giving him a mischievous grin. Her hair that was cascading down her shoulders fell down as she did so.

"What do you think?"

"I want to hear you say it."

Ah, so straightforward and blunt as always.

"Do you love her?" He repeated.

(Y/n) sighed through her nose and sat up straight.

"I do."

She no longer has her mischievous grin and was replaced with an apathetic look.

But despite her blank face, he knew she was telling that truth. A wave of sadness flashed in his eyes, if she wasn't so keen on him— she surely would have missed it.

"I see."

He, too, sat straight up and nodded in understanding.

"I may not know what you see in her but, if she makes you happy then I understand."

"Why so sentimental all of a sudden?"

She suddenly let out a hearty chuckle and began to approach the Grand Duke.

"Are you jealous, darling~?"

She pressed a hand on the headrest, smirking as she leaned down closely to his ear.

Her hot breath sent shivers down his spine and he can feel his cheeks warming up again.

"You didn't even ask if I love you."

Kaufman's mouth was slightly agape when he heard those words, his cheeks bursted into a red colour as soon as she pulled away.


She smirked at his face, walking away from him when the other participants of the meeting announced themselves and started greeting them both.


"The benefits both nations will receive is profitable and will be rewarding."

"But it would take at least half a year to transport the goods to the other continent, it is simply risky."

"How shall we do this?"

Everyone in the room began brainstorming ideas on how to make the diplomatic relations work between the two countries.

And everyone seemed they couldn't conclude a solution.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) was simply watching all of this unfold as she continued to sip her tea.

She observed on how lost and confused they all look, and she stifled a giggle when her eyes landed on Navier.

Her emerald coloured eyes were focusing on the map that was placed in front of them. And seeing how concentrated she looked—

(Y/n) thought it was cute.

That's when she decided to have a say in the matter.

"I have an idea."

She started, placing down the cup of tea she was holding, "How about a 5 months travel instead of half a year?"

All eyes were on her, all paused as they allowed her to continue on speaking.

"What if you travel to Nevivon and then to Rwipt? That way, it'll only take five months to travel instead."


"As you have known, it only takes about two months to travel from the Eastern Empire to Nevivon, and it'll only take about three months from the Nevivon Empire to the land of Rwipt."

"Will that work?"

"Why wouldn't it? I mean, you practically looked lost trying to come up with a proper trade route, so I'm helping you out."

When she saw their skeptical gazes, she shrugged and chuckled, "Consider it an easy shortcut."

"And if you're worried about me stealing goods, then you certainly don't have to worry about that. I'm not petty enough to steal from others."

"So you're saying..."

The (h/c)-nette nodded, "I'm giving you a proposal to use my traveling routes for your trading relations."

She took a bite from her fork and she squealed in delight.

Oh, how she loves the absolute sweet taste of such dessert dancing along with her tongue— she was absolutely in utter bliss.

Sovieshu, Navier and Kaufman all silently chuckled at her endearing behaviour.

For an Empress that came from a family full of bloodshed, she was certainly different from them.

Navier let out a happy sigh and nodded in agreement, "Empress (Y/n)'s proposal doesn't sound so bad. We might be able to achieve a diplomatic trade with her majesty's concept."

The others were finally able to decide with the notion.

"I agree, traveling to Nevivon might save us from all the travels."

"Indeed, not to mention, that bandits aren't so frequent within those areas."

Everyone then all nodded in agreement with her idea but they yet had to further discuss things with their new relations.

As (Y/n) was sat across Navier, she wyaa the one she would converse to.

From the layouts of the trading grounds to the security of their travels— it was her she would talk to.

Making a particular man feel jealous with the lack of attention he was receiving.

He glowered through the discussions. Looks like someone in a foul mood. The foreign Empress kept on chatting with the blonde, not even sparing him a single glance.




"This meeting is adjourned."

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