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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

"Do you think it's too much?"

"Your majesty, for the last time, it's fine."

The Duchess rolled her eyes and sighed for the umpteenth time, as the Nevivon Empress kept on fretting if her gift was a bit too much.

"I know that... I just want things to be perfect."

"Your ma—"

"She deserves everything that's perfect— No she is perfect."

Duchess Maya sighed again, rubbing her temples as she could feel a slight migraine creeping up due to how (Y/n) was being right now.

"I'm going to say this for the last time. Your gift is absolutely flawless and I am absolutely sure her majesty will love it."

She then saw that the (h/c)-nette wasn't listening to her and was about to yell at her— when she suddenly pulled out something.

"What's that?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's a priceless handkerchief."

The foreign Empress blushed, smiling idiotically as she held the handkerchief close to her.

A white light suddenly emitted inside the room and the Duchess saw the Empress' clothes on the floor.

She turned to face the (f/c) creature, in its beak was the handkerchief and it did a small motion towards her, pointing its claw to its neck.

"Do you want me to tie it around your neck?"

(Y/n) nodded and her lady-in-waiting did what she was told.

'The things I do for the Empress...'

As she tied it around her neck, she noticed a small initial embroided upon the handkerchief. 'So this belongs to the Eastern Empress.'

Once done, she opened a window for her and the (h/c)-nette fluttered her wings towards the blue sky.

Inside the library, Navier was researching all she could about the country of Rwipt and the Hwa continent.

She was about to grab a book when she heard a sudden tapping sound on a nearby window.

Curious, she turned towards it and beamed.

"Hello Queen!"

She then noticed her handkerchief tied around the bird's neck.

"Are you here to give me my handkerchief back? Did Empress (Y/n) tie it to you?"

She bombarded Queen with questions but of course, the bird didn't answer and simply stared at her with beady (e/c) eyes.

She giggled and couldn't restrain herself, she smothered the (f/c) bird's head with kisses, one after the other.


The bird let out a suprise sound, making her let out another giggle, "Queen is so pretty, especially with the handkerchief around your neck."

She complimented as she hugged Queen close to her, she noticed that the latter seemed to like her handkerchief— that she couldn't bring herself to remove it.

She petted its back and took a whiff of the big bird's oder. 'A musky scent...'

She brought her nose close to its shoulder and inhaled, the bird went slightly stiff as she did so.

"You smell like Empress (Y/n), Queen."


Queen flinched in shock at her statement, and it quickly unfolded its wings, and hastily flew out of the window.

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