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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

Queen confidently flapped her wings as it fluttered around the Eastern Empress' room, before alighting herself on her lap.

She chuckled softly, gently stroking the bird's neck and back. Queen let out a blissful sound and wiggled her tail.

"You're incredible, Queen."

The (f/c) creature raised a wing and did a small bow, which impressed the blonde.

'Well, I can put up with a few bugs if it's for a lovely bird like her.'

"I have a gift for you."


Queen looked her expectantly, and it's (e/c) beady eyes sparkled— feeling quite excited at her present.

"Your master told me you'll eat anything..."


The bird nodded her head enthusiastically.

"But I think she's wrong."


Queen tilted her head at her and Navier merely gave her a genuine smile.

"So I brought you something that large, magnificent birds like you generally like to eat."

She picked her off her lap and gently placed her down on the table. Pushing a plate towards the birds and inside were—

"Look, I brought insects."



Her (e/c) beady eyes were blinking rapidly.

When she saw that Queen didn't move she thought back to Lady Artina's words. She grabbed some tweezers and picked a large larvae.

She grimaced at seeing the big insect wiggling as she picked it up and pointed it towards the creature's beak

"Coo... Coo?"

Was she joking? Please be joking. (Y/n) mentally pleaded inside her mind, watching in utter horror as Navier neared the insect to her mouth.

"Here you go, Queen. Open wide!"

Well, the blonde did some effort at presented her a disgusting offering but she did it nonetheless...

Queen hesitantly opened its beak, inside her mind she was repeatedly chanting: 'For Navier. For Navier. For Navier—'

She bit he small end of the insect and then suddenly— to her horror— the large larvae somehow slipped from her tweezers and dropped down on to the bird's leg.


Queen jumped back and let out a loud shriek.

"What's wrong, Queen?"

The Eastern Empress tried to calm her down but the (f/c) bird was hopping around crazily.

She managed to leapt outside the window and hastily flew away. She didn't mean to, it was honestly out of instinctively.

And she repeatedly apologize to Navier inside her mind.

Meanwhile, the said Empress just stared dumbfounded at where Queen flew. Was it the wrong kind of larvae?

Lady Artina's messenger birds eats them and they all were fine.

'Could it be that she doesn't like insects?'

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now