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˜”*°• Imperial Majesty •°*”˜

After calming down her laughter, (Y/n) rolled her eyes and playfully punched Sovieshu's arm.

"I was joking, jeez. No need to look so red."

She smirked, "Or could it be that I am right?"

"(Y/n) stop!"

"Haha! Okay, okay."

She waved her hands in defeat but an idea suddenly popped up inside her head.


Without another word, she grabbed his wrist and made a dash down the hallways.

"W-Wait...! Where are we going?!"

"To the kitchen! I'm hungry!"


She snickered as she began leading him towards the way to the kitchen.

Once they arrived, the (h/c)-nette raised a finger to her lips, signalling him to be quiet.


He huffed out a breath from all that running, a trickle of sweat appeared on the side of his face but he nodded nevertheless.

She smiled at him, before she silently opened the kitchen door and they entered the room.

"You know we can just ask for the servants to bring us food."

"Now that wouldn't be fun now, would it?"

They both made sure to speak in a low voice, they crouched down and made sure to be as stealthy as possible.

"Into the oven these go!"

The quickly ducked down next to a counter— when they heard a voice close to them.

It was good thing she wasn't wearing a dress too. She wouldn't be able to move so freely if she had worn such a cumbersome clothing.

But God, this was so nostalgic.

The ravennette let out a small smile as he reminisced their childhood past.

She went close to his ear and whispered, "This is our chance!" She beamed at him, when he gave her confused face— she pointed her index finger upwards.

And there on the counter was a plate of delicious batch of cookies.

She grabbed his hand, and together they slowly stick their heads up. They saw that the cook's back was facing them and was rolling some dough.

The other cooks didn't seem to notice them too as they were too focused on their work. (Y/n) giggled softly and reached out to get a cookie.

Sovieshu took one as well and he couldn't help but let out a low chuckle.

But then he accidentally knocked something down with his elbow and it earned everyone's attention.

With fast reflex, the (h/c) haired woman grabbed a hold of his hand and swiftly made a run for it.


The cooks caught glimpse of who the intruders were, unfortunately.

And one older cook shook his head in disbelief but he chuckled at their foolish behaviours.

"Ah, children..."

Once they successfully made it out, hand in hand, they both laughed out loud.


"That was fun!"

Who would've thought, that two fully adult rulers of two highly respected Empires would act like a bunch of children.

𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙟𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙮 Where stories live. Discover now